5 Big Benefits To Salesforce B2B

benefits of salesforce b2b sales management

More than 150,000 companies use Salesforce for customer relationship management and marketing tasks.

There are many reasons why so many companies turn to it. They know that they need a robust system to manage sales and the customer experience. 

You'll want to keep reading if you're looking for a platform to better manage your business. Find out what the top benefits of Salesforce B2B are. 

1. A Customizable Solution

The first thing you need to understand about Salesforce is that it isn’t your typical CRM. Most programs will have contact management, notes, reminders, and some marketing automation.

Salesforce goes way beyond that. It’s really a full suite of different programs. You have the Sales Cloud, Marketing Cloud, Community Cloud, Financial Force, Service Cloud, and Analytics Cloud.

You’ll be able to pick and choose the Salesforce cloud solutions that best meet your needs. You can then customize them further, giving you a lot of flexibility to adapt the software to your changing business.

2. Automate Tasks

You have to find creative ways to do more with less. That’s one of the advantages of Salesforce. You can let the software handle repetitive tasks that take up time.

For example, your sales reps spend about 64% of the time working on tasks that don’t generate revenue. These tasks can be automated.

That leaves your sales team able to focus on tasks that have a direct impact on the company’s bottom line.

3. Analytics and Insights

Salesforce offers detailed reporting about every part of your business. If you want information about your customers, you can find it in Salesforce.

If you want to learn about the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, you can do that. You can also track the success of your sales team.

The problem for many companies is that they have tools that generate a lot of data. Salesforce B2B helps you make sense of that data through reports.

4. Reduce the Sales Cycle

If you deal in B2B commerce that targets wholesalers and manufacturers, you’ll be very interested in Salesforce B2B Commerce.

This is a suite that cuts down on the sales cycle, which can take months in B2B sales. You can go to market faster, gaining a competitive edge by being more efficient.

5. Something for Retailers

You might think that if you don’t have a B2B service business, Salesforce doesn’t apply to you. 

That is just not true. Salesforce has a B2C component in Salesforce Commerce that fits the needs of many retailers.

There are ecommerce solutions that help you with every aspect of the business. It is a seamless way to manage marketing, online sales, payment processing, and customer service.

Invest in Salesforce B2B

Businesses need to do more to maximize time and profits. There are a ton of tools and systems that can help you do that, but there’s one that stands out. That is Salesforce B2B.

There are many ways to utilize Salesforce. You can use it to personalize customer service, manage your sales team, or gain business insights. No matter how you use Salesforce B2B solutions, you can use it to improve every part of your business and keep your entire team on the same page.

Want more information to improve your business? Check out the Sales section of this site for more great insights on selling.

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