A small business can't function without a strong marketing department. Most small businesses only spend about 1% of sales revenue on marketing.
How can a small business owner get the most out of each marketing dollar?
Small business search engine marketing (SEM), or search engine optimization (SEO), can push your business to the front of internet search results. Use these tips to turn small businesses into miniature empires online.
1. Meta Descriptions
Meta descriptions help make your website get clicks on Google, Bing, and other top search engines. Give an internet browser a reason to go to your site.
The key to meta descriptions is the keywords you use. These keywords are searched by crawlers that rank websites. Don't use unrelated keywords or descriptions -- the search engine will penalize your site.
The descriptions should be less than 160 words in length but longer than 140. Use this SEO copywriting guide to help you write a catchy meta description.
2. Readability and Small Business Search Engine Marketing
The readability of the content on your website marginally helps the search engine results. The most important thing it does is attract readers. The easier it is to read content, the more likely they'll return.
Don't put large blocks of text onto pages. Readers will get tired of reading and move on from the site.
Use small paragraphs and bullet points to break up clumps of texts if possible. The reading level of content shouldn't pass that of a freshman in high school. Be clear and concise without the fluff.
3. Title Tags Are a Must
Title tags are similar to meta descriptions except you're describing your website to the search engine crawlers and not unique visitors. Title tags should have relevant and popular keywords.
When a browser searches for something online, the search engine matches a user with any of the keywords they've searched for the ones in your title tags.
Some best practices include less than 55 characters in title tags and using a dash between keywords. If you have a recognizable brand name, then use a pipe to separate the brand name from the keyword phrases at the end.
4. Keyword Focus
The content on your website must be unique and have a focus on relevant keywords. If duplicated content is found on other pages from your site, then a search engine may push your webpage down the results.
Overuse of keywords looks forced, so avoid stuffing them. Internal linking and current trending content are what the search engines look for in ranking.
5. Image Alt Tags
Algorithms and search engine bots like the use of pictures. If the images have alt tags, then the crawlers know what the image is. Get optimization points by adding a keyword into the al tag.
Remember, improve the chances of good search engine results by putting alt tags on all images.
Strengthen the Business with SEM
A marketing department is designed to strengthen the business and promote growth. For small businesses, the budget can be tight. But you don't have to spend heaven and earth to get growth.
Use these small business search engine marketing tips to save money and boost your profile. The right moves can put your business on the front page of search results with Google.
If you're interested in other marketing articles, keep scrolling through our digital marketing blog posts. Visit the PPC and SEO sections of the Bootstrap Business Blog to learn more about small business search engine marketing.