The global Covid-19 crisis has created a lot of upheaval in the job market. Research shows the unemployment rate in the US was 13 percent in May after Coronavirus hit.
Yet some job sectors are less affected than others. Manufacturing is one area that still needs workers.
It's a huge area, covering a wide range of job types and skillsets. In this article, we'll take a look at the sector of industrial metal fabrication.
So if you've been wondering how to become a fabricator? Read on to learn more about the metal fabrication industry.
What Does Industrial Metal Fabrication Involve?
Metal fabricators work across a range of industries that use manufacturing. This includes electronics and automotive.
It's their job to turn blueprints into metal parts using various machines. Some companies may also fit these parts together to make larger components. Sometimes they also make the finished product.
Metal fabrication is a great career choice since so many industries need this skill. You'll have a wider range of options when it comes to applying for jobs.
There is even a range of jobs within specific companies.
What Qualifications Do I Need for Metal Fabrication?
You will need a high school diploma for entry-level jobs. A relevant certificate from a technical school can also be helpful.
This makes it a great job choice for anyone who wants a skilled job without the student debt of going to college.
To reach more advanced or highly skilled roles, you'll need extra qualifications. Look at vocational training or even an associate's degree from a trade school.
Gaining a specific degree in metal fabrication will give you a great headstart.
What Other Skills Will I Need?
You'll also need to be able to read and understand blueprints. That means you'll also need good IT skills and be able to use computer-aided design (CAD) software.
Strong literacy and math skills are essential.
Given the nature of the job, you'll need to understand both metallurgy and welding.
People skills and communication skills are also essential. You'll work in a team so being able to work with others is crucial. You'll need to be able to ask questions if you catch any mistakes during manufacturing.
Conflict resolution would also be helpful within this team-based environment.
How Much Money Can I Make?
Annual wages vary depending on the individual occupation within the sector. The below data comes from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Last year, assemblers made a median wage of $32,740. Machine setters and operators could expect a median wage of around $35,480.
Meanwhile, supervisors and managers made around $61,390 a year.
That's How to Become a Fabricator
Now you know how to get a job in industrial metal fabrication. It's a great career choice if you want a highly-skilled job that doesn't mean you need a college degree.
You can specialize in specific skill sets to reach higher pay grades. Many positions are also covered by unions, giving you a greater degree of job protection.
Interested in other types of jobs? Check out our technology articles for more ideas. We also offer a wide variety of manufacturing and engineering articles to learn more about industrial work.