Have you ever seen a car driving around with a decal of the famous Apple logo on the rear window?
That, right there, is an object lesson in the benefits of promotional products. Happy customers display their brand loyalty, and act as a perfect advertising platform.
Used properly, promotional products can be useful marketing tools. By incorporating them into a marketing campaign, they are a great way to create customer loyalty, drive sales, generate leads, and get the word out about your brand.
So why get promotional products? The simple answer is it is a great way to generate customer interest and ensure that your brand is a memorable one.
The Benefits of Promotional Products: 9 Reasons They Can Boost Your Business
Okay, so what are promotional products for?
Their purpose is to make your brand more appealing and to attract new customers. Let's face it: people love free stuff. And getting free stuff makes people feel good.
That's why promotional products still work. By distributing them, you're well on the way to enticing new customers. And all that free merchandise circulating around is acting as a low-cost advertisement.
If you're worried about the cost and time involved in producing custom gear, don't sweat it. Many businesses use a swag management platform to do all the heavy lifting, so they don't have to handle the minutiae.
Here's a list of nine excellent reasons to avail yourself of promotional products:
Stand Out from Your Competition
One of the top benefits of promotional products is that they are uniquely yours.
In other words, customized gear emblazoned with your logo and emblems is distinctive. This helps your brand, and your company, stand out from your competitors. Of course, it doesn't hurt to have a unique and eye-catching logo, which helps your customers (potential and current) recognize your company.
Show Your Customers Some Love
Do you love free stuff? So do we! And that’s why we’re so excited to talk about the history of swag. Swag has come a long way in recent years, and it’s now more popular than ever. But where did swag come from? And what does it mean?
Customers love swag and free merch that stands out. This is where some creativity will help.
Everyone likes to feel appreciated. So if you target your potential customers with promotional swag that's actually useful, it demonstrates that your company gets them.
So that means something more than pens and mugs. Try thinking of ways to tailor your swag to the actual needs of your target customers. That way, they will actually want the free stuff you're giving them and will use it often.
And every time they use it, they will think of your company.
A Better Kind of Business Card
People use business cards as a way of networking and getting a company's name and brand out there.
But one of the benefits of promotional items is that they do this same thing but in a more effective way. Rather than languishing in someone's wallet, promotional items are actually being used.
That means plenty of advertisement and marketing opportunities for your business.
Get Your Brand Recognized
Particularly if your business is new and not yet well established, promotional products are a great way to get your brand noticed.
By incorporating your logo and contact info on a unique and interesting swag item, you're well on your way to winning recognition for your brand. Marketing is all about competition—and in that Darwinian struggle, uniqueness wins out.
Cost-Effective Marketing
You might still be asking yourself, "why should I use promotional products for my business?" Budget-friendly advertising is the best answer we can give.
As a form of marketing, it's hard to beat the cost-effectiveness of promotional swag. Especially if you're starting out, this form of advertising is a great low-cost way of getting people to notice your brand.
The wonderful thing about promotional products is that people pass them around. This circulation will ensure that your company logo encounters many more eyes than those of the people who received your swag.
Stay Uppermost in Your Customers' Minds
Sometimes, you need to get into your customers' heads.
Not in a weird, creepy way. But in a good, not at all off-putting way. In other words, you want potential customers to encounter your logo and contact information during their daily activities.
Well-designed promotional products will ensure that they remember you when the time comes to make a purchase.
Boost Your Sales
This is what circulating all that free swag is about.
Promotional products are fantastic lead generators. So don't overlook the immense capacity of free stuff to translate into future sales.
Communicate with Your Customers
Promotional products are an excellent way to communicate with your customers—current and prospective.
For instance, you can use swag as part of an advertising campaign for the release of new products or services. It's a low-cost way to signal to your customers that you have something new to offer.
Also, promotional products are a good way to communicate the vision and values of your company, attracting thereby the interest and loyalty of customers.
Customer Retention
Look, attracting new customers is all well and good.
But you never want to forget your existing customers. After all, you already know they're willing to purchase your product or service.
And promotional products are a great way to ensure customer retention. Distributing swag to your current pool of customers shows them that you care, and that you value their support and loyalty.
Their friends and family will also notice your branded merch so you could get referrals from your well-placed promotional products.
Use Promotional Products to Increase Your Sales
The benefits of promotional products are many, but these nine items capture the best reasons to start using swag. As a powerful, effective, and low-cost marketing tool, you can't do any better than promo products.
We hope this article has helped you learn about the usefulness of promotional products. And while you're visiting our site, please check out our other great articles on sales and marketing.
Everyone likes to feel appreciated. So if you target your potential customers with promotional swag that's actually useful, it demonstrates that your company gets them.
So that means something more than pens and mugs. Try thinking of ways to tailor your swag to the actual needs of your target customers. That way, they will actually want the free stuff you're giving them and will use it often.
And every time they use it, they will think of your company.
A Better Kind of Business Card
People use business cards as a way of networking and getting a company's name and brand out there.
But one of the benefits of promotional items is that they do this same thing but in a more effective way. Rather than languishing in someone's wallet, promotional items are actually being used.
That means plenty of advertisement and marketing opportunities for your business.
Get Your Brand Recognized
Particularly if your business is new and not yet well established, promotional products are a great way to get your brand noticed.
By incorporating your logo and contact info on a unique and interesting swag item, you're well on your way to winning recognition for your brand. Marketing is all about competition—and in that Darwinian struggle, uniqueness wins out.
Cost-Effective Marketing
You might still be asking yourself, "why should I use promotional products for my business?" Budget-friendly advertising is the best answer we can give.
As a form of marketing, it's hard to beat the cost-effectiveness of promotional swag. Especially if you're starting out, this form of advertising is a great low-cost way of getting people to notice your brand.
The wonderful thing about promotional products is that people pass them around. This circulation will ensure that your company logo encounters many more eyes than those of the people who received your swag.
Stay Uppermost in Your Customers' Minds
Sometimes, you need to get into your customers' heads.
Not in a weird, creepy way. But in a good, not at all off-putting way. In other words, you want potential customers to encounter your logo and contact information during their daily activities.
Well-designed promotional products will ensure that they remember you when the time comes to make a purchase.
Boost Your Sales
This is what circulating all that free swag is about.
Promotional products are fantastic lead generators. So don't overlook the immense capacity of free stuff to translate into future sales.
Communicate with Your Customers
Promotional products are an excellent way to communicate with your customers—current and prospective.
For instance, you can use swag as part of an advertising campaign for the release of new products or services. It's a low-cost way to signal to your customers that you have something new to offer.
Also, promotional products are a good way to communicate the vision and values of your company, attracting thereby the interest and loyalty of customers.
Customer Retention
Look, attracting new customers is all well and good.
But you never want to forget your existing customers. After all, you already know they're willing to purchase your product or service.
And promotional products are a great way to ensure customer retention. Distributing swag to your current pool of customers shows them that you care, and that you value their support and loyalty.
Their friends and family will also notice your branded merch so you could get referrals from your well-placed promotional products.
Use Promotional Products to Increase Your Sales
The benefits of promotional products are many, but these nine items capture the best reasons to start using swag. As a powerful, effective, and low-cost marketing tool, you can't do any better than promo products.
We hope this article has helped you learn about the usefulness of promotional products. And while you're visiting our site, please check out our other great articles on sales and marketing.