How to Do a Small Business Network Setup

how to do a small business network setup

For your business technology to work together efficiently and effectively, all of your office’s devices and resources need to be connected.

A small business network setup will allow all of the devices on your network to communicate with each other and to share resources.

A network will be essential in your workplace, but you may not know how to set up a network.

In this article, we’ll discuss the parts required and how to set up a small business network setup.

What Equipment Will You Need For a Small Business Network Setup?

When setting up a network, there are two main pieces of networking equipment that you will need, a switch and a router.

A switch is used to connect all of the devices used within the small business network. These will include devices such as computers, printers, and servers.

The switch makes it possible for all of these devices to talk to each other. They may be far away from each other in different rooms or even in different buildings; however, as long as they are connected to the switch, they can connect.

A switch is essential in your small business network.

Just as your switch helps you connect several different devices to create a network, a router connects switches and networks to form a wider network. This may be networks within one location, or across several.

For a small business network, you’ll need at least one router. As well as connecting several networks together, your router will also allow your devices to connect to the internet.

A router works to direct traffic and send it in the most efficient direction. Information is directed in the form of data packets.

In addition to transferring data packets, your business’ router will also protect the data from cybersecurity threats. Your router can also be used to determine which devices have priority over others.

Selecting Your Switches and Routers

Think about the types of devices that will be used on your network. If you are adopting a ‘bring your own device’ policy, you’ll need to think about getting a wireless router with a broad enough range.

Security should be a major concern when selecting a router. Consider a router with Unified Threat Management, which will provide gateway antivirus protection.

Similarly, if you plan on using a Virtual Private Network, consider getting a router designed to handle this.

Plan For the Future of Your Network

When creating a small business network setup, you should always be looking towards the future.

With continued changes and developments in technology, it is safe to assume that the devices and resources that you are accessing now will not be the same within five or ten years.

Think about getting the highest performing switches and routers that allow for the highest speeds and the greatest security.

For more great business tips, be sure and explore the rest of the site. Visit the Tech section of the Bootstrap Business Blog right now to learn more about how to do a small business network setup and other IT projects.

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