It is not just the banks that have grown in number the type of banking operations has also changed drastically in the years. If you are a person who is into banking, then you need to update yourself with these terms and then get yourself ahead in the new age banking scenario. There are certain things you need to know regarding new age banking. The major factor that has brought about new-age banking is the coming in of technology and the growth of strong currencies like the US Dollar in the world.
• Fewer Physical Branches
The number of branches of banks has reduced very drastically. With the advent of ATMs to draw cash and the coming in of electronic payment systems in the form of cards, the number of physical branches has come down very largely. The long queues which people make in front of the banks in the 1980s have come down to a great extent. This has led to new ways of wealth management in an increasingly digital age.
● Cybersecurity
When the payments are made online, the number of frauds online has also increased in large numbers. Earlier, there used to be a fraud in terms of robbers breaking into the banks. But, these days, the kind of robbery has taken a whole new shape. Cybersecurity has taken to the forefront. There are a lot of fraudulent activities that take place online and the customers need to use secure websites to keep their money safe. Also, the banks have started to invest significantly in the cybersecurity domain to keep their money safe.
● No More Closed Hours
These days, you cannot see a bank is closed board outside the banks. With the IT operations being outsourced all over the world, the operations are provided to the customers 24x7. Also, full-time support operations are provided to the customers and they can make the fullest use of it. Any doubt they can get it cleared via the technology usage.
● Different Types Of Loans
Earlier, there used to be very less kind of loans like only house or home loans, land loans, property loan, car loan. Now with the changing banking sector, the kind of loans has also taken a major shape. The loans being offered to the customers by every bank even within the public sector keeps changing.
● New Terms In Banking
The developing countries all across the globe have started to take banks to every nook and corner of the country. So, to facilitate banking to those who are living in rural areas, the newer banking terms have evolved in the years. Also, if you are into personal finance in banking, then taking up a Wealth Management Course will be very helpful.
With the massive growth of banks in the private sector, avenues like Corporate Banking Career have sprung up way too high in number. Those who wish to make a career for themselves in the new age banking domain should equip themselves with the latest terms and methodologies used in this sector.