How to Become an Energy Saving Business and Cut Back on Bills

how to become energy saving business cut back bills reduce expenses sustainability

When it comes to protecting the Earth's fragile environment, we all need to do our part. That means looking at the way we conduct ourselves at work as well as in the home. If you want to lower your carbon footprint at work, there's a lot of steps you can take.

Of course, becoming an energy saving business doesn't only benefit the planet. You get the benefit of a better bottom line as well! Thinking more conservatively about the use of energy in your business will help to keep those associated costs low. That means more money in your own pocket at the end of the day.

What are the steps you can take to ensure you're cutting back on energy costs? Read on and we'll walk you through everything you need to know.

Lean On Your Utility Company

When it comes to thinking about energy, your utility company might feel like your greatest enemy. After all, they're the one that hands you that bill each month with big dollar amount on the bottom.

However, there's a lot your utility company can do to help you keep costs low and operate your business more efficiently. Today, most utility companies offer something known as an energy audit.

The process works exactly as the name implies. The utility company will send someone who can come to your place of business and evaluate all the ways in which you use energy. This person will be an expert and will be able to offer suggestions for how you may be able to operate more efficiently.

Getting on top of proper energy management at your company can set you down a path of big savings. 

Most surprising of all, this is a resource that many of the major companies offer free of charge! That means you don't have to worry about added costs when you're already thinking of ways to keep those same costs down.

Keep Equipment Off When Not in Use

You would be shocked how many companies run their electric bill up simply be keeping equipment plugged in and running when it isn't being used. Before you laugh, take a serious look around your office and see if you're a culprit in this way as well.

Are computers, monitors, and printers left plugged in and on overnight? Even if they're in some sort of sleep mode, they're still using power. That's power that you ARE paying for.

The best thing you can do is to ensure all electronic devices are turned all the way off when you leave the office for the day. Yes, that means an extra five minutes or so of shutting everything down. But that simple five minutes a day can save you a lot money over time.

It isn't just computers that need to be accounted for. The coffee maker in the breakroom should be unplugged and off as well. Any lights you aren't using (even during office hours!) should be flipped to off. 

If you can, relying on natural sunlight during the day can help cut back on the overuse of electronic lights.

Buy Better Bulbs

Are you still using old single bulbs to light up your office? If the answer is yes, you're doing great damage to both the environment and your bottom line.

Replacing old bulbs with more energy-efficient alternatives can be a huge source of savings. Energy-efficient bulbs use less power, which means they can last a whole lot longer than the traditional 60-watt variety.

These bulbs will cost you a little more during your upfront purchase but can last years without needing to be replaced. Many LED light bulbs, for example, can last over a decade without needing to be switched out.

That means you can put the money you would've spent on purchasing new incandescent bulbs somewhere else.

Better Control the Temperature Inside

A great deal of energy use at your business is likely traced back to your thermostat. Heating and cooling a large space, such as an office, requires a great deal of power and energy. Ensuring you control temperature in the most efficient way possible will limit big spending on energy over time.

One of the best things you can do is install a programmable thermostat that can adjust the temperature based on your working schedule. 

You'll also need to take potential leaks and issues in the building seriously. You might think a little draft from outside isn't that big of a deal, but it's a serious issue to your heating and cooling system.

Anywhere your heat or cold air can escape will mean your system working overtime to keep things at the right temperature. 

If this is the reality in your workplace, you'll need to caulk up around windows and doors to prevent these kinds of drafts. There should be nowhere in your building that allows this kind of air slippage.

It might also be a good idea to invest in weather-resistant shades. Keeping the windows drawn on hot days can help prevent the heat of the sun from getting inside. That means your cooling system will have to work less desperately to keep everything at a livable temperature.

That's more savings for you at the end of the day.

How to Become an Energy Saving Business

We all have a responsibility to do what we can to protect the planet. Running an energy saving business is just one aspect of this big responsibility. 

Need more business advice or tips to save energy and cut costs? Keep reading our blog for more tips on running an energy saving business and strengthening sustainability!

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