Being a stay-at-home-mom is more than a full-time job. But unfortunately, it's a full-time job that doesn't pay. This leads a lot of moms to look for jobs that they can do while they're at home with their kids.
Many stay-at-home-moms who don't need to work for financial reasons are interested in working from home because they want to do something more or something that's just for them.
Being a business mom isn't easy, but it's rewarding and can be lucrative for your family. Here are a few jobs that you can take on while staying at home with the kids.
1. Freelance Writer
Do you have a way with words? Are you a proud member of the grammar police? Then being a freelance writer is the perfect work at home mom gig for you.
Freelance writers do a lot of different types of work, which means you can tailor this job to your strengths and interests. The only requirement is that you have strong writing skills, good grammatical sense, and an ability to be versatile with your writing.
There are a lot of ways to get started as a freelance writer. If you have a lot of good ideas for articles or blog posts, you could get in touch with a blogger that takes guest posts and ask to write a post for them. Or you could pitch your idea to a digital or print publication by getting in touch with the editor. Writing for established blogs and publications takes a lot of hustle, but you can succeed if you're persistent.
You can also start by writing website content or starting a blog for a local business or a friend's business. That way you can get a small client base and expand from there.
There are also content services that hire freelance writers to write blog posts, articles, and websites for their clients.
2. Start an Etsy Shop
Are you a crafty mom? Do your Pinterest projects actually come out like the picture? Then starting an Etsy shop for your crafty creations is the mompreneur job for you.
Check out some other Esty shops that are selling things similar to your product-to-be. See how they're pricing their products and what items seem to be selling.
Then get started on production. You'll want to have a good amount of product upfront so your store is stocked. Plus, if your items are popular, you don't want to get behind on fulfilling orders. So, make sure you have a good amount of items made before you put the store up.
Once you've established yourself and your products on Etsy, you can start taking custom orders as well.
You can also bring your Etsy business into the real world by getting a table at local craft fairs and selling to your friends.
3. Professional Baker
Are all the PTA moms constantly begging for your baked goods recipes? Do you love creating perfectly frosted confectionaries? Then starting a side hustle as a professional baker is the mom boss move for you.
A side hustle as a professional baker can be as big or as small as you want it to be. You could do seasonal things like Easter baskets or Christmas cookies and just sell them to friends and family. You could do birthday cakes or cupcakes and market within your community. Or you could go all out and get your baked goods into local general stores and supermarkets.
The most important thing about being a mom-baker is to make sure that you're able to keep up with the demand you create for your items.
It's no small feat to bake something amazing, so make sure that you have the time to commit to the business you drum up. Make sure to hide the treats from little hands.
4. Transcriptionist
Do you love to listen to interesting stories? Are you a good typist? Then you should definitely look into being a transcriptionist.
Lots of businesses that create audio content are looking for someone to transcribe that content into the written word. All you have to do is listen to the content and type it word for word. That's literally it.
Obviously, you need to have keen attention to detail because getting the content down word for word is essential. But if that's not a problem for you, then being a transcriptionist is a great way to make some money while listening to some interesting content.
5. Event Planner
Are you the mom whose kids always have elaborate, super-fun birthday parties? Are you always looking for an excuse to plan a get-together? Then your mom business niche should be event planning.
Lots of people struggle with event planning. They get lost and completely stressed out in all the details. So, there are a lot of people out there looking for some help. And they can't always afford a professional event planner. That's where you can swoop in, save the day, and make some cash.
Start small by offering to plan local events or events for your friends. Once you have some experience, start advertising yourself as an event planner see what jobs come to you.
Another great thing about being an event planner is that you can customize your business. You could do just business events or just birthday parties or just weddings. Whatever interests you and whatever you're good at can be your whole business.
Managing Finances as a Boss Business Mom
One of the hardest things you'll need to manage as a business mom is the finances. You'll need to make sure that you're keeping track of your business expenses separately from your home expenses, which is hard when you're shopping for it all on the same grocery run.
Check out this awesome resource for some tips about making sure you're not mixing personal and business expenses with your stay-at-home parent startup.
More Advice for Work at Home Moms
Being a business mom is a big undertaking, but if you're taking on a side hustle that you're passionate about you'll be happy and fulfilled by your work.
For more advice about starting your own business as a mompreneur or working stay at home parent, check out the other articles on our site. Visit the Startups section of our site now!