Do you want to give a boost to your business? Are you eager to make more money by means of advertising and SMM in particular? Don’t you know how to do a shoutout on Instagram?
If it is all about you, you will find this article interesting because it includes so much useful information on Instagram and ecommerce!
How To Promote Your Business?
If you are an entrepreneur and run a business in the 21st century, you should promote your products or services online. This is due to the fact that nowadays a large part of the world’s population surfs the Internet every day.
That is why you should have a look at the most visited websites worldwide, such as Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, etc. So, you can see that the majority of the most visited sites is social networks. That is why the conclusion is obvious: when promoting your business online, you need to focus on SMM.
What Is SMM?
SMM (social media marketing) is a method of advertising an e-commerce product or service through social media platforms.
How To Choose A Social Network?
It is not a secret that different population groups prefer different social networks to surf. That is why you should define your target audience and find out which social networks are mostly used by your potential clients.
There is also another way out - you may promote your business by means of the social network that is suitable for almost every business structure. To date, according to the majority of independent researchers such a social media platform is Instagram.
How To Advertise On Instagram?
You have two options of promoting your products or services on Instagram - official ads and shoutouts. You’re probably all clear about official ads. You pay directly to the Instagram administration, and they place your posts in the users’ news feed.
What Is An Instagram Shoutout?
Instagram shoutouts are pre-paid posts which promote your products or services in a popular blogger’s profile.
Why Is It better to use Instagram shoutouts?
Instagram shoutouts have several advantages in comparison with official ads:
1) they are cheaper;
2) you’re more likely to draw users’ attention;
3) they can be directed to your target audience.
How To Do A Shoutout On Instagram?
If you're interested in promoting your products or services by means of Instagram shoutouts, look at these 5 easy steps for you to derive maximum benefit from the advertising your business.
1) Choose A Blogger For Placing Your Ad
First of all, you are supposed to find a blogger who is the most suitable for your business in terms of the target audience. That’s logical. If you sell, for example, sports equipment, you need to place your ads in the profiles of famous sportsmen. What is more, we wouldn’t recommend you to deal with the most popular bloggers who have several million subscribers. The chances to draw Instagram users attention by means of such shoutouts are slim because their followers got used to the ads, and they’re very likely to just scroll such posts down. Plus, these ads will be extremely expensive.
2) Decide Which Product Or Service You’re Going To Promote
Next, you should choose the product or service to use in shoutout. In most cases, you’re supposed to provide the blogger with that very item, so he can demonstrate its benefits for his subscribers.
3) Design An Image For The Post
After you’ve chosen the product or service for promoting your business, it’s necessary for you to create an image for placement in the blogger’s profile. Please, remember that you’re more likely to draw the users attention if the picture includes the most interesting products at the most tempting prices.
4) Set The Date Of Launching Your Ad Campaign
In order to maximize the benefits of your ad campaign, you should choose the right date for Instagram shoutout. Why is it important? The point is that if you start your ad camping shortly before the holidays or events like Black Friday, your customers are very unlikely to receive their packages in times. That’s why, it’s necessary to prepare for holidays 2-3 months before the particular event. In that case, you have every chance to derive maximum benefit from pre-holiday activity.
5) Pay The Blogger Off
This is one of the most important steps of how to do a paid shoutout on Instagram. It’s hard to believe but in most cases you have an opportunity to get a shoutout almost for free. How can you do this? When choosing a blogger, you’re supposed to look at those ones who have 5-10 thousand followers. Such bloggers usually agree to promote your business in exchange for some of your products. But In case of advertising your business in the most popular bloggers profiles, you’ll have to pay too much, and these ads can become disadvantageous.