9 Tips for Starting a Web Development Business

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Don't just start your own web development business. You need to launch it.

Starting a web design business sounds a little boring but if you launch your business -- that's what gets people excited about what's going on.

To have a successful launch there are key things you have to have in place. Continue reading this article to learn how to launch your business the right way.

Getting Your Web Development Business Prepared

Before you can launch your business, you have to do all of your prelaunch activities. If you try to start your business before you have everything set up, it's underwhelming and your client list is likely to be lackluster at best.

Create Your Business Plan

There are a million and one other web design businesses out there. Why should people do business with you?

Create your business plan and determine what is going to set you apart from everyone else in the world. Or you can even just start out with separating yourself from everyone else in your city.

Your business plan should be in-depth in case you want to go to the bank or to investors for funding later. A less than impressive business plan isn't likely to move anyone to lend or invest money with your company.

Think of a Business Name

When you're making all of these big plans, don't forget one of the most important parts of your business -- your name.

Your name should be easy to say and easy to understand. If you can make it something catchy -- that's even better.

Decide on Your Branding - Look & Message

Before you start promoting your business, you need to decide how you're going to brand your business. What does your business stand for and how does your business communicate?

Is your business more of a fun and light-hearted business or are you catering to professionals that need a little more stuffy verbiage in your copy? Whatever you choose, both are a good choice but you need to know which is which. 

Determine Your Startup Costs

Whether you're starting out on your own or if you want to run an agency with many designers, you need to be realistic about your startup costs. 

Web development businesses don't cost too much to start if you stick to the basics but there are still things that you do need. You'll have to set aside time to register a domain and build your own website.

While you may be doing the work yourself, you still have to think about the time you're taking out and how much it is costing you.

You may already have a computer, desk and other basics. If you already have these things, it will keep the costs low but don't skimp on your equipment since you'll be sitting and working here for hours on end.

You'll need to secure insurance, licenses, software and other equipment for your business. You may want to find an accountant to help you with your taxes as well so that's an additional cost.

Set Your Rates

Another important prelaunch decision is your rates. You don't want to discount your work just to start getting clients.

If you do one job for a low rate, it's likely to continue that way. Build your own website and use it as an example if people want to see what you can do. You may also have a friend or family member that needs a website and you can do their website for them.

Setting your rates and having a rate card or list will help you immensely so you don't have to make spur of the moment decisions about how much to charge.

If people do ask you point-blank how much their website will cost them, you can always tell them you'll need to write up a quote and email it to them after you discuss their needs.

Launching Your Business

Setting up the launch can be a lot of fun when you know what your end goal is. Your goal is to make your company the to-go company for web design.

Plan an Event

Set up an event and make it Instagram-worthy. You want people to share about your new business so make it fun and something people want to talk about.

The event doesn't have to be large but you should put some serious effort into it.


When you're launching your business, network with people that will help you grow your business. 

Networking with business owners will put you in direct contact with people that might need your services. They will also have connections with other people just like them that may also need your services.

Create Strategic Alliances

Creating strategic alliances with people like this IT company and other companies similar to yours is another great way to launch your business.

You can have them share your information through their email list and tell their clientele to use their special discount code in order to get a discount on their web design project.

These strategic alliances can make all the difference between just starting your business and launching your business.

Want to Learn More About Winning in Business?

Now that you know how to start your web development business, why not learn more about other business topics? We have many helpful topics here on our site that can help you as you're growing your business.

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