These days, more and more people value having the freedom to travel whenever they like. Often, they look for jobs that give them flexible work hours, the opportunity to choose when they have holidays, and something relatively local that doesn’t involve a stressful commute. More and more jobs allow staff to work from home, and people are being encouraged to spend time outdoors as the use of devices becomes increasingly necessary in many aspects of their lives. Question is, how do we do all of these things at once? Read on for reasons why motorhome life might just be for you!
Live A Somewhat Rebellious Lifestyle
Most of us live in a house or apartment with a kitchen, several bedrooms, a garage, and a lounge. It’s cosy and comfortable, but if you think about it, how much time do you really spend in each space? Are you utilising those rooms to their maximum potential, or spending more time outdoors or elsewhere, not actually making the most of the foundations you’re paying for? When you look at it this way, it seems somewhat illogical to live in a house, right? Pull back from what society deems as a success (ie: owning a home), and invest in a lifestyle where you’re paying for something you’re actually able to fully appreciate, almost all of the time.
Have The Ability To ‘Set Up Camp’ Wherever You Like
What’s more appealing than having the freedom to set up camp wherever you like, whenever you like, escaping the rush of daily life? Ponder the thought of freedom to choose your community and change it whenever you want to.
Live Somewhere More Affordable
If you think about the cost of homeownership and the fees that go with it (insurance, rates, etc.), it’s quite a daunting prospect. The idea of putting so much financial commitment into one stationery asset that you have to worry about whenever you’re not there can be hard to get your head around if you’re more interested in financial flexibility and freedom.
Have More Exposure To Nature
In a world filled with technology and jobs/education that forces us to be glued to screens for many of our waking hours, it’s safe to say that our home environments contribute to keeping us away from nature. Yes, in the summertime we can play or hang out together in the garden, but it’s all too easy to find ourselves back in front of screens. One of the biggest benefits of motorhome life is being so close to nature and therefore have so much more opportunity to spend time outdoors with many things to explore.
Be On A Permanent Vacation
If this heading isn’t enough to tempt you into motorhome life, then perhaps it’s not for you, but picture yourself living a life wherein if you decide you’re sick of something, you can quite easily move on. You won’t have that desire to escape the mundane sameness of everyday life because your view can change, you can meet new people in each location and therefore expose yourself to new opportunities.
If you’ve got children with you, they’re gain such a broad perspective about the world around them and learn to appreciate everything they have without wanting material things that aren’t necessary.
Be ‘At Home’ While Travelling
Similarly, you’ve probably experienced a holiday at least once in your life where you had a great time but couldn’t wait to get back to your own bed, right? We all love coming home to our own space and comforts. The idea of exploring our countries and beyond can be an idyllic distant dream but the reality of leaving home for an extended period of time can put people off. Why not take home with you? Avoid the cost of other modes of transport to get you to your dream destination, and take the time to enjoy the scenic route as you make your way across land. It’s too easy to get caught up in the rush of needing to be somewhere all the time, and the great thing about motorhome life is it forces you to take things slower.
Live The Motorhome Life
So, if this food-for-thought is enough to sway you towards upping-sticks and experiencing life on the road, take the next step and find yourself a mobile home that will take your life in a whole new direction.