It’s not enough for businesses to have an e-commerce website. For these sites to provide real value to customers and the business, every aspect of it has to be consciously designed.
Most small businesses do not have the resources to this type of design themselves. However, they can usually enlist the services of a digital design company or freelancers in order to optimize their website. Some specific areas professional designers can optimize on your website include the following:
1.) User Interface And User Experience (UI & UX)
An e-commerce website should be easy to navigate and provide a positive experience for users. The layout and placement of different elements should all help visitors find what it is exactly you want them to find. The purpose of each page should be clear so as to prevent site abandonment. The choice of aesthetics should be able to reconcile both your business’s branding and the types of visuals your target market is able to relate to.
2.) Image And Video Quality
Small businesses don’t always have the know-how to make good-quality product and demonstration photos and illustrations, let alone videos or animated sequences. The best digital design companies are typically able to handle photography, graphic design, videos and animation within the context of improving client websites. When these types of media are executed professionally, they can give visitors very positive impressions of your business.
3.) Minor Site Details
You might not notice them immediately but the lack of favicons, relevant meta-content, well-composed product descriptions and other “small” things in your website can combine to make it look unprofessional and untrustworthy. A digital design agency with experience in website design should be able to make these small fixes as well as recommend a course of action or other agencies with regards to the content and other small details.
4.) Mobile-Friendliness
Mobile devices are now widely used to purchase different goods and services. In some markets, they even constitute the primary means through which purchases are made. A slight majority of all devices connected to the internet in 2018 were phones and tablets, and even purchases made on desktop and laptop computers were often researched on mobile devices beforehand.
This makes it absolutely critical that businesses pay attention to how their site looks through mobile devices. Slightly different principles of design apply for mobile devices compared to desktop, and a good digital design firm can make all the difference when it comes to ensuring all your sites visitors have a positive experience.
5.) Branding
Sometimes, you may want to consider doing over more than just your e-commerce site. Comprehensive rebranding or brand optimization efforts will definitely include an overhaul of your website, but will also involve changes to your offline presence. When done correctly, a rebranding or brand optimization project can leave your organization stronger online and offline.
Digital design agencies can be a crucial part of any such rebranding efforts, as they will be able to update both online and offline materials as well as advise you on the necessary updates and compromises that may need to be undertaken both online and offline.