The basic ingredient that spices up the business world are the existence of competition. It can be among two or more companies, in a similar industry, eying for buyer’s patronage or among small scale enterprises planning to go big than the other.
Competitive advantage comes at a cost though. It requires you to develop competitive intelligence. About 90 percent of FORTUNE 500 companies do practice the skill of competitive intelligence.
Well, this could be an onerous task to monitor each and every happening in the competitive environment, for this reason, one can take specialized services of agencies to develop competitive intelligence. Actual data shows that around 69 percent of organizations take help of external agencies or partners to prepare an insight report of their decisions.
But, with growing tech, one can easily monitor its competitors. We shall look at 10 such tools which make it fairly simple to stay ahead in competition:
Google Alerts
This tool from Google is an absolute top performer when it comes to other online monitoring tools. It is a very simple application as one gets to use it, all one needs is a Google account to sign in. Once you are signed in, you just need to list your competitors and the remaining job is done by Google itself.
What Google Alerts would do is It will send you email alerts for when your competitor has been searched for online and other relevant facts. To top it off, it is a completely free tool to use.
Stillio is an online tool that lets you perform functions such as capturing website screenshots and saving them, save important webpages offline and track trends. It also helps in monitoring copyright infringements and basically track competitors. You can gain strategic advantage by the use of Stillio and stay ahead of your competitors.
Monitor Backlinks
In the age of digital marketing, backlinks serve an important asset for Search Engine Optimisation efforts. So, it becomes absolutely necessary to have information about which pages of your competitor are getting the most traffic and also the websites that are helping it to serve such backlinks. Monitor Backlinks is one such application that lets you do these things along with the direct comparison between you and your competitor. They offer a free 30-day trial as well.
Pro Rank Tracker
It is an online tool that lets you know the group of keywords and rankings of your competitor’s website. One of the main advantages of it is that it lets you localize your search and help local SEO strategies. Pro Rank Tracker serves useful for local businesses.
It is a totally different tool. It lets you realize who are your competitors when you don’t know them actually. This lets you compare yourself against industry benchmarks and guides you to problems that you could solve to succeed. Alexa also provides partnership opportunities which shall help in influencer marketing as well.
It is another tool to help you keep track of keywords that prove advantageous for your competitors. iSpionage can show you the most profitable keywords, ads and landing pages used by your competitors for your knowledge.
As the name suggests, SpyFu acts as a spy on your competitor for their keywords and AdWords purchases. It also keeps a track on your competitors’ spendings on campaigns. This lets you plan your strategies accordingly. It will show you where your competitor has been on Google for the past eleven years.
Social Mention
This tool has a different work process. Instead of keywords or budgets, it tracks the social media presence of competitors. Social Mention lets you have an insight into what actual people are talking about your competitor across blogs and social platforms.
SEMrush is one such tool that serves all needs of competitive analysis. It shall give you graphical reports on website entered by you containing relevant information including keywords, ads, and ranks.

Keep Up With The Competition
So guys, are you all set to defeat your competitors? Do check out these tools and let me know if they have helped you out. All the best in your business and marketing efforts!