5 Ways to Keep Your Website Safe from Hackers

how to keep your website safe from hackers site cybersecurity

Here you are, putting your hard work out in the open. No matter what type of business you have, you could find yourself being the victim of a cyber hacker. 

As a business owner, you want to keep your website safe, but what are the steps you need to take to do that? Regardless of the motive behind a hacker's actions, it's easy to prepare ahead of time to protect your customer's data and your reputation.

1. Check Passwords

While it might sound simple, creating passwords that are difficult for hackers to guess is one of the best ways to secure your website. Even if you think a few numbers and special characters will keep you safe, hackers these days have high-level skills that make these types of passwords easy to crack.

A study has shown that long passwords with combinations of letters and numbers that aren't patterned are the most secure ways to protect your website. Not only should you hold yourself to the standard of creating solid passwords for your site, encourage those who work with you to do the same.

2. Protect Against SQL Injection

You might be wondering what in the world a SQL injection attack is. This occurs when a hacker URL parameters to get into your database, which gives them full access to your site. Hackers can easily take advantage of your site if it has a standard URL Transact SQL by using rogue code.

But don't worry, there are ways to stop this from happening! All you have to do is implement a parameterized query into your site. Since most sites have this anyways, it's fairly simple to put into action.

3. Update Software

It's true, website updates cost a lot of money and take time, making them seem like an unnecessary hassle. Contrary to popular belief, software updates help fight viruses and weaknesses within your website. Without these, your website is vulnerable to a potential hacker. 

Hackers don't spend all their time in front of their computers. They also network with other hackers. And if one hacker has found a weakness in your site, it's likely they'll share that information with other hackers, leaving you open to a lot of trouble. 

4. Stay Away From File Uploads

It doesn't sound like a big deal, but opening up your website to file uploads also opens it up to hackers. No matter how harmless a file may seem, it could contain code that will make your website vulnerable to those hackers scanning the internet for weaknesses.

A few ways to combat this is to put restrictions on what types of files can be uploaded to your website. Secure methods include SSH or SFTP. You can also utilize a cloud-based program which gives you the ability to approve or deny uploads.

5. Utilize HTTPS

You've probably seen many sites utilizing the HTTPS at the beginning of their URL. HTTPS, standing for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure, encrypts data and information that moves from a website to a server. As a business owner, you're responsible for keeping your customers' data safe.

You'll find that this makes it more difficult for hackers to gain access to data that's being transmitting within your site, disabling them from getting important information that could destroy your site. Resources like Truyo are available for your use to help protect the data that's been entrusted to you.

You Choose How to Keep Your Website Safe

It might seem like taking the steps to keep your website safe cost more money and time then you have. Even though it will take time away from other things you could be doing, implementing these simple pieces could make a difference in protecting your hard work.

Having these simple defenses ready to go in the case a hacker targets your website is the first step in combating an attack. Don't wait until you're already a victim to enlist help.

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