7 Creative Writing Exercises To Improve Your Business Writing Skills

Business writing is a very important part of your life. When you get a professional job, you will be writing and sending several emails every day. You will have to communicate in a professional manner. This is one of the most common ways you will be using business writing. 

Unfortunately, not all people know how to write for business purposes. This means that they are sending unprofessional emails, which can lead to miscommunication and missed opportunities. Maybe you have tried to look at someone’s email and could not figure out what it meant because it was poorly written. 

It is essential to know how to write for business purposes and to do it well. A team of highly qualified academic writers from AdvancedWriters willingly offers 7 creative writing exercises to improve your business writing skills: 

1. Collect Vocabulary Words And Practice Using Them

There are several different vocabulary or dictionary email lists that you can sign up for. These subscriptions will give you new vocabulary words every day of the week. Create a list on your computer or on paper and keep track of these new vocabulary words. Several times per week, use a couple of words from your list in a short story. This will make you more familiar with the words and help you to use them correctly. Using more advanced vocabulary words can make your business writing more sophisticated and professional before publishing

2. Rewrite An Existing Piece Of Literature

Look through a book, newspaper, or magazine and select a piece of literature. Spend some time rewriting the literature and making it more professional or business-like. Add in any vocabulary words you may have learned. This is a way to gradually give yourself more responsibility with your business writing. By rewriting something else, you will not have to start completely from scratch. You will have something to base your writing on. Do this a couple of times per week to improve your vocabulary and your critical thinking skills. 

3. Write Stories About The Pictures You Have Found

Look around on the Internet or on social media and collect a few pictures. You can even go through your own photo library. Select a picture and write about it. Use it as inspiration and to base your writing off of. You can keep it simple and come up with topics based on the pictures, which will help you with critical thinking and comprehension. Those skills are beneficial in business writing and other forms of communication. In addition to this, you may write full stories based on these pictures, which will also help you to develop these skills and get more general writing practice. 

4. Rewrite Your Old Emails

Go through your “sent” mailbox in your email. Find a few of your older emails that might require some work. You will not be resending these, but you will get some good practice by attempting to rewrite them. If it helps, you can even print them out and mark all over the page with a highlighter or a pen to help you visualize a plan. Swap out words that might be incorrectly used. Rewrite sentences that might be hard to understand. Include additional vocabulary words. Look at these emails with a critical eye and be prepared to make changes. This is a practice you can then use when you write future business emails. You will know what changes you should make and how to make them. 

5. Rewrite Sample Emails 

You can easily find sample business emails online. These can be a good example for you to follow as you write your own emails and other business content. You can use these emails as a practice by following the same format and style. Simply add your own words in to change things up. You can even use prior experiences to make these emails ones that you could actually use later on. 

6. Practice Keeping Things Concise 

Perhaps you have sent wordy emails that could have been written in half as many words. To do this, look at your old emails. Select a few long ones and work on shortening them. You do not want to make the message vague, but you might have over-explained in some areas. When you shorten your emails, you are making them more reader-friendly. This also means that your message is more direct and to the point, which is beneficial to your reader. It helps you so you do not have to spend so much time writing emails. 

7. Read Your Work Aloud

By reading your work aloud, you may notice things you would not notice when simply scanning your writing before sending it off. Simply find a quiet place and read your writing aloud to yourself. You will likely notice flow, tone, and any possible gaps in the information. Then, you can rewrite some of the sections as needed. You can also have the writing be read to you with some computer programs and websites. 

In addition to these activities, be sure to practice writing as often as you can. It can also be helpful to have a friend or co-worker look over your business emails and other writing. They can offer feedback and help you to improve. 

Take some time each day to improve your business writing skills. Your hard work will pay off. Try a combination of the activities listed above to get the best results. This will help you to grow in your business writing skills. Even once you believe you are skilled in business writing, there is still room for you to improve.

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