No matter which industry your company belongs to, conducting a workplace safety inspection in Toronto helps protect your business and employees. Being proactive in identifying potential hazards present in your work environment can effectively prevent unfortunate incidents leading to illnesses, injuries, and even death. Thorough assessment and examination of the establishment allows you to identify and record hazards for corrective action.
With that being said, here are the major benefits why you should conduct a regular workplace safety inspection:
Ensure Employee Safety
Keeping your workers safe during day-to-day operations is probably the most important benefit of a workplace safety inspection. To be able to effectively deliver your customer demands, your employees should always be healthy and safe to carry out their duties. Unsafe work environments often mean high incident reports of employee injuries and illnesses. Thousands of Canadian workers are injured while on duty due to a slip- and-fall incident. After the identification of hazards, management can effectively plan a course of action to protect the wellbeing of their workers.
Protect The Company
In addition to employee protection, preserving the overall interest of the company is equally important. When you are able to prevent employee injuries, it protects your company from potential lawsuits. This allows you to save money on lawyer fees and worker’s compensation payments.
Boost Employee Performance
Safety pays for everyone. Keeping the establishment a safe working environment does not only protect both the company and its employees, but it also reduces absenteeism and turnover, improves performance and productivity, and boosts employee morale. When workers feel safe, they are happy to show up to work each day.
Better Machine Maintenance
Conducting a workplace safety inspection enables maintenance managers to determine problematic machines. Since all machines deteriorate over time, it is important for assigned personnel to carefully plan preventive maintenance to ensure optimal performance. Also, it prevents further damage, helps save money on repairs, and reduces downtime.
Gain Better Understanding Of Jobs And Tasks
This applies to business operators, managerial staff, and regular workers. Each has different responsibilities and duties. Business owners are responsible for the stability and growth of the company; the managers oversee the company’s daily operation; the workers are responsible for carrying out the day-to-day operation.
Identifying Workplace Hazards
To effectively uphold health and safety in the work environment, it is important to pinpoint potential hazards. An easy way to do this is by utilizing a health inspection software. This helps the responsible personnel to monitor and minimize the risks.
Here are the most common workplace hazards to watch out for:
• Safety Hazards (lack of machine guards, unsafe work practices and conditions)
• Physical Hazards (noise, vibration, electricity, radiation, slips, trips, and falls)
• Biological Hazards (bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites)
• Ergonomic Hazards (physical factors that pose a risk to the musculoskeletal system, like manual handling, repetitive movement, and poor body posture)
• Chemical Hazards (hazardous solid and/or liquid substances, vapour, dust, fumes, or mist)
• Psychological Hazards (overwork, stress, bullying, and violence that affect one’s mental state)
Importance Of Safety Inspection Checklist
An effective workplace safety inspection checklist does not only identify potential hazards but also helps you see your daily operation from a whole new perspective. The information contained in your checklist must be consistent in order to achieve optimal results.
Management should have a clear picture of the safety items to ensure the overall well-being of both the employee and the company.