Stretch Your Marketing Budget With Promotional Swag

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Giving out promotional items has long been a proven way to build brand awareness and keep your brand at the top of the mind of past and current customers. Promotional items are also used by companies to boost employee morale and engagement, and build their company culture and image. The increasing number of promotional items and companies using them means that you’ll have to find a way to set yourself apart if you want them to have the desired effects. 

And knowing where and how to place your promotional items is also very important if you don’t want to waste precious marketing dollars. Let’s take a look at how you can stretch your marketing dollar by using promotional swag

What Should You Give Away? 

There are tons of different items you can pick for promotion and pretty much any item can be turned into swag. Some of the most common promotional items include ball pens, apparel, calendars, reusable shopping bags, or water bottles. 

The goal is to pick something they will actually use. One type of promotional item that is becoming increasingly popular is portable flash drives. You could consider buying flash drives in bulk with your company’s logo and contact information on them if you are in a tech-related business. 

Or you could give them as part of a goodie bag during an expo, for instance. While they might throw away some of the other items they have received, few people will throw away a perfectly usable flash drive, which makes it very powerful as a promotional tool

Brand Logo Or No Logos? 

While in some cases it is better to go for a logo, in other cases, you could have better results if you focus on personalization instead. If you want to impress one of your top clients and show your appreciation, you could always give them a reusable bottle or ballpoint pen with their name on it. This way, there is more of a chance they will keep and use them. And they will make great conversation pieces when they are among other people. 

But you don’t have to completely remove your company’s logo in this case. What you want to do is make sure your logo is smaller so that your customer’s name is a priority. Smart logos are a great investment when you are marketing on a frugal budget.

Think Twice About Clothing 

Let’s be real, how many times have you seen someone wearing a cap or t-shirt with some random company name on it? Unless you’re a well-known clothing brand, the efficiency of promotional clothing items is still debatable. So, think twice about going with clothing unless the logo, color, or slogan really stands out and is actually attractive. 

Think Of The Environment Where The Item Will Be Used 

Environmental targeting is all about knowing in which environment a particular item will be used and making the choice accordingly. You want to pick promotional items clients will be using at the moment they will be making a decision. If you’re running an online business for instance, something like a mouse pad could be a great idea as they’ll most likely be using them when making a purchase. 

Be Careful With Short Shelf Life Items 

If possible, you always want to choose promo items that will have a longer shelf life and will be used for years to come. For instance, instead of going with a pack of sticky notes that will eventually run out, you could give them something like a sticky note holder that will both be useful and last much longer. 


Promotional swag can be a great way to gain more exposure for your brand, maintain customer loyalty, and increase sales. Just make sure that you follow the advice in this article if you want them to have the effect you need.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post about stretching your marketing budget further with promotional swag products and branded items.

Interested in more articles about promotional merchandise?

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