Why Every Entrepreneur Needs A Break When Starting Out

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While you will hear all kinds of great business advice as an entrepreneur just starting out, you may not have been told just how important it is to take a break every now and then. Not only should you schedule days off, but you should relax during your work week as well. What many seasoned entrepreneurs have discovered is that there really are very good reasons to get away from it all. 

Here is some of what they have discussed to avoid burnout and maximize productivity.

Nothing Suffers More Than Your Health 

Obviously, we are not ‘built’ to be in perpetual motion. As humans, we need at least several hours of deep sleep daily, and if we don’t get it, the body eventually just wears out. Even though the experts can’t all agree among themselves how much sleep we need, you can figure that six to eight hours daily is sufficient. Sleep deprivation results in more physical and emotional issues than you can imagine and that is something to take quite seriously. What would happen to your company if you should suddenly fall too ill to work? 

A Break From The Stress 

Right up there alongside sleep deprivation is stress when it comes to major factors which could influence the state of your health. Stress has been definitively linked to cancer, stroke, heart attacks, and other potentially fatal illnesses, so taking a break away from stress can be a literal lifesaver. If you feel that the stress is piling up beyond what you can handle, the best thing you can do for yourself and your company is to step back for a moment, take a deep breath, and find someplace to relax where you will not be disturbed. 

All Work And No Play 

There is more to the old cliché than meets the eye. Yes, all work and no play is bad for you, but that is because your mind can handle only so much without letting everything settle into place. Humans are not supercomputers and when the mind runs 24/7, there comes a time when you need to literally reboot. Why not interest yourself in something else that will take the mind off your startup for just a short while. 

You can go online and try your luck at casino games, which move fast enough to keep you focused on anything else but work. You’ll even be able to play with the house money if you take time to research the best casino bonuses that either match your opening deposit or give you money, to begin with. No stress there, is there? 


Whether stress is wearing you down or the body has taken all it can, you really do need a break, however short. Take your mind off business affairs and you might even find that distancing yourself helps to create a solution you hadn’t seen before. If you make it a habit now, from the early days of starting your business, you’ll find that these brief respites are what it takes to build a prosperous business. All work and no play may not make you dull, but it sure will prevent you from working at 100%, so do take that much-needed break. It’s the only way to survive.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post about why every entrepreneur and small business owner needs a break when starting out to avoid burnout and reduced productivity.

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