I ask you, what is the point? What is the point in being the very best there is at what you do? What is the point of amassing all those years’ worth of skills, knowledge and expertise? What is the point in spending all that time and startup capital a working for others, and contributing to their success to the point where you have decided to go into business for yourself?
What is the point of putting in endless hours of market research and liaising with business mentors and experts to form the perfect business plan? What is the point in begging to the banks and business loan managers for funding? What is the point of any of it, if your startup’s launch fizzles out?
If Your Startup Fails To Plan, It Plans To Fail
All entrepreneurs fear that despite all their best efforts and rigorous planning, their business will crumble to dust soon after they begin business operations. It is every entrepreneur’s nightmare to fizzle shortly after starting. Here is how you can prevent a failed startup launch from happening to your business.
It’s Never Too Early To Start Building Your Brand
In an age where digital marketing is one of the greatest kingmakers in the business world, it pays to start building your brand as soon as possible. The great thing is that you can go into the “soft launch” of your business at any time you like. Design your logo, establish your online and social media presence and start building a sense of personality and mystique into your business.
Get other businesses and consumers talking about you and build up a sense of anticipation for when you are ready to launch proper. Behind the scenes, now is also a good time to start recruiting and bringing the key personnel on board who will go on to solidify your startup brand and its business acumen.
With any luck, by the time you start trading, you will already have a core base of potential customers or clients champing at the bit for your products and services. Just be wary of keeping them hanging for too long. If you announce a launch date, that launch date must be set in stone. The more you put it off, the more people will jump ship and take you less seriously.
Start Thinking About SEO... NOW!
In the ultra competitive marketplace of the modern digital world, you won’t get far unless you master Search Engine Optimization. Even if you are in the very early stages of your business, and haven’t yet begun trading, you can start implementing SEO tools.
If you are using a blog to begin content marketing prior to trading, simply using Yoast for your WordPress blog will enable you to boost the search engine visibility of your content (as well as helping you craft an SEO friendly writing style) and increase your startup brand exposure.
Choose How You Will Launch Your Startup
So now you are ready to launch. What type of launch best suits your brand? Will you have a gala opening night with free food and drink, contests, giveaways and tons of branded goodies. This will bring an enormous sense of occasion but will come at the cost of significant overheads.
With any luck, by the time you start trading, you will already have a core base of potential customers or clients champing at the bit for your products and services. Just be wary of keeping them hanging for too long. If you announce a launch date, that launch date must be set in stone. The more you put it off, the more people will jump ship and take you less seriously.
Start Thinking About SEO... NOW!
In the ultra competitive marketplace of the modern digital world, you won’t get far unless you master Search Engine Optimization. Even if you are in the very early stages of your business, and haven’t yet begun trading, you can start implementing SEO tools.
If you are using a blog to begin content marketing prior to trading, simply using Yoast for your WordPress blog will enable you to boost the search engine visibility of your content (as well as helping you craft an SEO friendly writing style) and increase your startup brand exposure.
Choose How You Will Launch Your Startup
So now you are ready to launch. What type of launch best suits your brand? Will you have a gala opening night with free food and drink, contests, giveaways and tons of branded goodies. This will bring an enormous sense of occasion but will come at the cost of significant overheads.
Or will you simply begin trading without the fanfare. New businesses like WhatsApp have used this low key approach to their advantage, using the fact that they spent virtually nothing on their marketing as a selling point.
Strong Startups Launch Large
Don't just launch your startup, launch with authority. It is simply a matter of determining what the best way to do that is for your new business. Start your startup strong and make waves in your respective industry!
I hope you enjoyed this article about how to ensure that your lean startup launch starts out on the right foot and with massive momentum.
Interested in more articles about starting a bigger and better business?
Read My Blog Posts:
- 3 Ways To Impress New Business Partners & Clients
- How To Start Your Legal Career Or Business
Strong Startups Launch Large
Don't just launch your startup, launch with authority. It is simply a matter of determining what the best way to do that is for your new business. Start your startup strong and make waves in your respective industry!
I hope you enjoyed this article about how to ensure that your lean startup launch starts out on the right foot and with massive momentum.
Interested in more articles about starting a bigger and better business?
Read My Blog Posts:
- 3 Ways To Impress New Business Partners & Clients
- How To Start Your Legal Career Or Business
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