A lot of bosses, managers, and employers expect a lot out of the team they work with. But has the business and have you worked to make that a reality? The vast majority of team members in all businesses are weekday warriors, who only care about their job as far as they’re paid to care about it. If you want them to be constant companions instead, you have to earn it.
Share The Direction
You don’t have to pretend like you’re not sharing a working relationship with your team. Most of them would like to have pride in their work and be fully invested in it, but if they’re not, you have to wonder what’s standing in the way. For some, poor communication of workplace goals and a lack of feeling like they’re a part of a team or a larger aim can make people feel isolated, like they’re doing work with no interest. Getting your team on-side can get them as enthusiastic about helping the business reach its overall goals as you are. This is doubly true if you have goals that match the values of your employees.
Make It A Place They Want To Be
Of course, if the office is just full of talks about business goals and project progress, it’s a very dry environment. Yes, the workplace is a place for work, but if people can change gear when they need to, they will run out of steam. A fun workplace culture can give people the time to switch off, to limber up and relax. Sometimes, just buying them lunch or adding a games area can give them that opportunity. This relaxation isn’t a luxury, it’s a need for people to get through the day. If they see that you’re investing in their needs, not just your own, they’re likely to be much more loyal.
Know That They Know They’re Valued
Have you started looking for corporate gifts for your next big team conference? If not, then you need to start getting into habit. You also have to get over the idea of inflating people's’ ego or showing “your hand”. Awards and rewards are deserved when someone truly puts the work in, or even if they just stay with the company for a particularly long time. People need to know that they are valued. Fail to show it, and they will feel like their job has no value. Either mentally or physically, they stop showing up.
Be A Good Boss
Most important of all, if you want people to respond naturally to leadership, you have to be a good leader. Working on your personal communication skills, your patience, and the like are all a fine start. But look at the signs of toxic bosses and ensure you have none of those. Toxic bosses steal the credit, spread the blame liberally, and overall make sure that everyone at the workplace is miserable. But many of these behaviors from a self-defense mechanism. If you ever feel like you’re in danger of being attacked for business practices, take a deep breath and try to divorce your ego from the situation to see what the truly practical answer is. Chances are, the vast majority of the time, that people aren’t looking to attack you but have real grievances and concerns.
Teambuilding Time
It’s not against the law to occasionally expect that people will go beyond the line of duty and pull through for you when you really need it. However, you have to make sure you and your business deserve it.
I hope you enjoyed this article about managing your company's weekday warriors into real office teammates that maximize results.
Interested in more articles about employee management?
Read My Posts:
- 5 Ways To Show Employee Appreciation
- 4 Tips For Startup Team Building
Published by Michael J Schiemer
Owner of Bootstrap Business
Money - Marketing - Motivation
Digital Marketing | SEO | Social Media
Mike Schiemer Builds Better Business
I hope you enjoyed this article about managing your company's weekday warriors into real office teammates that maximize results.
Interested in more articles about employee management?
Read My Posts:
- 5 Ways To Show Employee Appreciation
- 4 Tips For Startup Team Building
Published by Michael J Schiemer
Owner of Bootstrap Business
Money - Marketing - Motivation
Digital Marketing | SEO | Social Media
Mike Schiemer Builds Better Business
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