Running a small business can be great. You wear many hats and take on several roles to get the job done. One of those startup duties is usually human resources. HR is becoming really prominent in recent years, there are some really experienced agencies out there, but why not go for the best of the best. Cezanne HR is an experienced, reliable and trustworthy company.You handle the hiring and employee management the best you can until you need to delegate the responsibility. That means recruiting someone, maybe even a member of your family. Or perhaps you need some specialist support in a particular field, let's say your accounting for example.
It can feel really daunting to bring people into your business especially if they are not family members. This is due to a number of factors: Firstly you have to get your head around making the step change from small business to becoming a larger organization and one which employs people, provides a livelihood for them and so on. There is in effect a responsibility on your part in HR for other people that you may never have experienced before.
Secondly, there is a reluctance and concern about employing people because you enter into the realms of employment law. It is a whole new element to your business and one that you have probably never had to consider. Thirdly, when bringing external people into your business you are placing an incredible amount of trust in them. The appointment of a new employee is not only about your recruitment process, it is fundamentally about the person you actually choose. Are they honest? Do they want to help you achieve the things you plan for the business? In effect are they going to be more trouble then they are worth to your business, or will they bring you an additional edge that you alone could never provide? It is undoubtedly a lottery as even the best recruitment process can only be so good.
HR Support
The answer to all of these concerns is how you continue to handle their employment on an ongoing basis and this is executed through your Human Resources Department policy. Devising a policy that suits your business and your expectations, with the help of professionals can protect you and your business from future employment law based claims. Providing every member of staff with a contract of employment and a set of rules around which their employment is based is not only best practice, it also makes total sense for your business. Both you and your staff understand where the boundaries and expectations lie. Managing performance on an ongoing basis is also crucial. Writing in a probationary period or trial into the contract helps you to sense check your recruitment decision and to ascertain that they're the right person for the job. Monitoring performance on an annual or bi-annual basis through appraisal allows you to establish goals for the coming months and to review how they have done leading up to the appraisal.
There are many organizations that provide HR services for small businesses that don’t need a full in house function but nevertheless need some HR support. They will get to know your business and understand how your employees fit in. You can pick up the phone to them and ask them about problems which crop up and they will provide you with solutions grounded in labor law legislation and best practice. They can offer support on health and safety matters, employee welfare as well as payroll.These services are not always as cheap as you might hope, but nevertheless they are a valuable way to invest business resources in a bid to protect it. It is like an insurance policy for the people agenda.
In House
Of course as the business grows further you might become more of a corporate entity employing more and more staff and perhaps might even need fleet insurance for the growing number of company vehicles. At this stage you might want to bring HR in house with an HR Manager to oversee the employment aspects of the business. Paying a salary to them will probably be more cost effective than using an outsourcing company when you have increased staff numbers.
From contracts of employment to fleet car contracts, these HR specialists can manage your entire people process from recruitment to leaving the business through retirement, dismissal or resignation. However you bring the people agenda into your business as it grows, you must ensure that you adequately protect yourself and your employees for whom you now have employer responsibility. Do that well and you will watch your business grow from strength to strength.
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I hope you enjoyed this article on the value of Human Resources to your small business or startup.
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Michael J. Schiemer of Bootstrap Business
Enthusiastic Entrepreneur & End User
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HubSpot Inbound Certified Marketer
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