“What on earth can an online sock shop learn from a casino site?”, we hear you cry!
Yes, you may well think that the online gambling sector is completely irrelevant to your brand and the business you are trying to grow online. And to an extent, you are absolutely right. Playing blackjack at a casino online has nothing to do with a marketing agency or online supplier of vitamin water.
However, as an industry it is one that everyone can look to in order to see how effective trading online can be. The online casino and gaming industry is huge at present and is continuing on an upward trajectory. So, these brands must be doing something right.
So what exactly should your business be looking to adopt from that industry? Here are 4 lessons to learn from online gaming companies:
1. Understanding Your Target Audience
The casino and gaming brands that are successful in the industry are those that have their target audience down to a tee. Every move they make, every offer they create, every page layout designed is done with that in mind.
It is so important in every business to do this, in every aspect of your business, from design to services and products, and even payment methods. After all, if you are targeting the over 60s, they are probably not going to find any use in paying via cryptocurrency are they?
2. Incentivise Using You
Why should people use your business? Of course, you are going to be trying to sell your business across the site, but nothing quite gets people on board like an incentive. Online casinos are the very best at doing this and you won’t find an online casino without a welcome bonus on offer.
That initially gets players on board with playing with them, and then from there they will offer a range of loyalty bonuses. More and more businesses online are now starting to do this, particularly in the retail space, and it keeps customers loyal. There is no two ways about it.
3. Show Your Workings And Be Transparent
You may be forgiven for thinking that the world of online gambling is a rather murky world. But online casinos are required to be squeaky clean with licenses and regulatory information on display. Therefore, you can find out everything you’d possibly want to know about an online casino and how trustworthy they are from the homescreen.
That is the same for your own business. Earning trust is a huge part of any business, whether that be online or through the relationships you build, and being completely transparent goes a long way to earning that.
Therefore be honest in your approach and what you offer, and ensure that your about page has all the details a potential user needs. Testimonials can also be useful for generating trust with a user too.
4. Utilise Technology
Technology is continually changing and adapting and one of the industries that is always quick to adopt the latest and greatest is the online casino industry. They are so good at getting ahead of the game, whether it be through design and gaming development tech, payment methods or even communication, with the industry one of the first to adopt the likes of live chat.
If there is something new an online gambling company is utilising in terms of tech, take a look. It could be the thing to adopt that separates your business from your competitors.