Moving into a new office space is an exciting time for any business - after all, it is a chance to start fresh, build new memories, and expand your company's footprint. But before you can start enjoying your new space, there is quite a bit of work that needs to be done first.
Here is a guide on how to prepare your company (and its staff) for a move to a new office space – remember to enlist the help of a professional fitout company, as this eliminates the overheads of traditional design and construction.
1. Give yourself plenty of time to plan. Depending on the size of your business, moving into a new office space can be a huge undertaking - that is why it is important to give yourself as much time as possible to plan for the move. This way, you can ensure that everything goes off without a hitch on moving day.
2. Notify your clients and customers in advance - this way, they will know how to get in touch with you during the transition and won't have to worry about any disruptions in service. You may also want to consider sending out a press release announcing the move.
3. Hire professional movers. Unless you have a large team of employees who are willing and able to help with the heavy lifting, it is best to bring in the professionals. This will ensure that all of your equipment and furniture is moved safely and securely.
4. Make sure all your utilities are transferred over, such as electricity, gas, water and rubbish service. This way, you won't have any interruptions in service once you are settled into your new space.
5. A few days before the move, do a test run from your old office space to the new one, as this will help you identify any potential issues that need to be addressed, such as street closures or one-way streets.
6. Don't forget to update your website and social media accounts with your new address and contact information, so that everyone will be able to find you when they need to!
7. Last but not least, once you are settled into your new office space, take some time to enjoy it! Have some fun with decorating and make it feel like home sweet home for you and your employees alike.
Ready To Get Started Relocating?
Moving into a new office space is an exciting but daunting task for any business owner. However, by following these tips on how to prepare for the move, you can rest assured that everything will go off without a hitch! It is now time for your business to move on to bigger and better things.