There are a lot of companies that are looking to survive in the business world. One of the ways to do so is to stay one step ahead of the competition. Sometimes, it is appropriate for two competitors to merge with one another. One company will usually frame this as a merger while the other will phrase this as an acquisition. In a lot of cases, companies work with a business broker to expedite the process. What are the steps involved in completing a merger and acquisition? Take a look at a few key points below, and reach out to an M&A professional with any questions or concerns.
1. Identify Potential Targets
The first step in the process is to identify potential targets. What companies might be vulnerable to being bought out? There are a number of reasons why a company might be open to being purchased. Perhaps they haven't done very well recently and are looking to get out of the game. Maybe the market is moving against them and the products and services they provide are no longer relevant. Sometimes, the owner of the company is simply retiring and looking for someone to buy it. It is important for companies to remain vigilant. If a company is ready to be purchased, it might not be on the market for very long. Companies need to act as quickly as possible.
2. Exchange Information
The next step is for both parties to exchange information. Yes, this includes contact information, but before any negotiations can take place, companies need to open up their books. A company that is looking to buy up another company needs to have access to its books. That way, they can figure out what a fair price for the company might be. Furthermore, the company being purchased might have some questions about the company buying them. They need to have access to information as well. That way, they know that the other company is negotiating in good faith.
3. An Appropriate Valuation
After this, both companies will work to identify an appropriate evaluation for the company being purchased. There are a number of ways a company is valued. If a company is traded on the stock exchange, then it should have a market cap. This is one of the most basic ways to value a company. Of course, not every company is available for sale on the stock exchange. If the company doesn't have a publicly-available market cap, then its valuation will need to be calculated from its books. This might mean that companies need to take a look at their annual revenue and see if there is a way to use this number to estimate how much it is worth.
4. Offer And Negotiation
The next step is to make an offer. Once all the information has been considered, it is time to figure out how much the company should be sold for. Even though there are lots of ways to value a company, its ultimate value is determined by how much someone is willing to pay for it. One company makes an offer, the other company makes a counteroffer, and they try to negotiate until they can find a number that is agreeable to both. Again, this process can take a while, and the value of the company could fluctuate as the market continues to move. That is why it is important to take every factor into consideration.
5. Agree To The Purchase
Finally, the last step is to agree to the purchase. It can take a long time for a merger and acquisition to be completed. Even if both parties agree on the terms, they can take a while to get the language right. That is why it is important to be patient during this process. Furthermore, the government may have something to say as well. If the government believes that the merger is in violation of any laws, such as antitrust laws, then the merger could be shot down. It is important for everyone to be patient during this process, as there is a lot of money being exchanged. It is critical not to have any second thoughts or regrets down the road.
Managing M&A
Mergers and acquisitions can be complex procedures. Keep these simplified M & A steps in mind when deciding on whether your company should be involved in a merger or acquisition with another business, if you have a choice in the matter that is.