Before you commit to a moving company, it is important to ensure that you are dealing with the right one. Sometimes you don’t even have an idea that how much you don’t know and this is true when you have to relocate. A person moves many times in his life tenure but still, it is difficult to understand the ins and outs of the moving industry. Yes, it is great that you can pick one from numerous numbers of moving companies according to your needs but picking one out of the heap is quite a challenging job to do.
Here you will get to know about the questions that you should ask movers before hiring
How Long Have You Been In Business?
Not all the newcomer moving companies are bad and not all the companies with higher experience are great. But knowing experience helps you to get an idea that how many years the company has served to clients and can get to know the kind of services they offer to their clients so you can pick the best state-to-state moving companies for yourself. This also helps you to save yourself from frauds and scammers who keep on changing their names to rob them.
Are Your Movers Brokers Or Carriers?
Brokers don’t provide services to clients directly, they further outsource moving companies. Since they are associated with multiple moving companies therefore chances are that you can get the services at a cheaper cost but it also has its downsides like miscommunication because you are not directly talking to the company.
Carriers tend to handle all the moving services with their staff and they will listen to all your needs and requirements carefully and you might have a better experience working with a carrier.
A hybrid is a mixture of both moving broker and carrier. Now, according to your preferences, you can hire movers after knowing their category.
Are You Licensed Properly?
To avoid moving scams, it is good to know that the movers are properly licensed. United states department of transportation has issued a licensed number to all the moving companies which they usually mention on their website. While local moving companies are licensed by state authority. Different states have their unique rules and regulations to follow so they get licenses according to that. You should always hire only the one who is licensed properly.
What Procedure Do You Use To Determine The Moving Cost?
It is always crucial to know their used procedure to calculate the moving cost. The procedure is different for different companies like certain companies tend to use charge by the weight and distance of the move while some charge on an hourly basis depending on the size of their team working during that time. Usually, local movers calculate moving costs based on time.
What Will You Do If You Miss The Deadline?
You should ask them this question so they can specify the penalties that they are going to confront if they don’t meet the deadlines. The deadline should always be accepted by them after considering all the reasons for getting late.
Do You Have All The Required Equipment?
There is a lot of equipment and different types of gear are present out there that makes moving-related tasks easier such as loading. These tools also help in ensuring the complete safety of the equipment when they are lifted to load. If they don’t possess such tools and equipment then it is time to re-evaluate your decision.
Are Storage Facilities Available?
During the move, it is quite common to find yourself less in space and you might need storage for a certain period. If they provide storage facilities then consider whether these are safe and according to your requirements or not and also don’t forget to ask the cost of these facilities if needed in future.
Can You Offer Any Deals Or Discounts?
Sometimes you can get additional discounts after asking for it especially when you are moving in the off-season and when movers are not in demand.
What Payment Method Do You Accept?
Usually, all the reputable moving companies accept credit, debit cards, and checks also. If a moving company is requesting the cash payment only then it is a red sign and you should leave such movers. You should not also get ready to pay a huge amount in advance because reputable movers don’t ask for a huge deposit in advance.
Is There Any Hidden Costs?
When you ask for moving quote after telling all the details then you should ensure that this is the final moving cost and there is no any other charges associated.
Wrapping It All Up For Masterful Moving
Nothing could be a better option than hiring movers to have a successful move but if you end up hiring scammers then they can rob you. So it is important to pay attention when hiring. Ask all these questions to get a better idea about the moving service before making a payment.