A pay-per-click (PPC) campaign refers to buying visits to your site through ads instead of depending on organic traffic. This means that every time a visitor clicks on your ad, you pay a certain amount to the advertising platform.
When running a PPC campaign, the first step towards ensuring its effectiveness is creating accurate and reliable reports. However, PPC reporting can be overwhelming, which is why most marketers ignore their reports.
But worry not, as we will explore everything you need to know about implementing effective PPC campaigns in this post.
What Is PPC Reporting?
As the name implies, PPC reporting is the process of summarizing the results of your PPC campaign. Ideally, a PPC report should be clear, easy to read, and allow you to see the impact of every campaign you are running.
Unfortunately, not many PPC reports are like this. They usually include graphs, charts, and complex data that marketers can’t make any sense of. Thanks to technology, there are other options for making accurate and easily digestible reports.
If you are looking for a tool that can help you get the most out of your PPC reports, this resource on PPC dashboards and their capabilities is a good read for you.
How To Optimize Your PPC Campaign
1. Perform Keyword Research
To have your ad reach your desired target, the content of your ad must contain keywords that are most likely to attract clicks to your site. The best place to start when conducting keyword research brainstorming. Put yourself in your audience’s shoes and create phrases or words you’d use if you were in their position.
Alternatively, you may also use keyword generation tools that come in paid or free options. You do not want to go with general keywords when selecting keywords for your ads.
General keywords may generate clicks but not a lot of sales. For example, “winter jackets” is a general phrase and may attract unnecessary search volume. However, “winter jackets for kids” is a more specific term attracting a specific audience looking to buy a specific item.
2. Pay Attention To Negative Keywords
Negative keywords refer to words that seemingly fit what you intend to rank for, but they are not. For example, if you deal with high-end perfumes, you may not want your ad to show for individuals searching for cheap perfume.
Most search engines provide advertisers with the option of filtering out keywords they don’t want to rank for. Filtering negative words is essential considering the cost of your PPC campaign depends on the number of clicks on your ad, and you don’t want the wrong audience to click on your ads, negatively affecting your ROI.
3. Ensure Your Landing Page Is Conversion-Worthy
The landing page is where your potential clients or buyers land when they click on your ad. This makes your landing page a critical determining factor on whether or not a visitor will convert into a paying customer.
Therefore, ensure that your page talks about and displays the product or service you are offering. On top of that, make sure it convinces the buyer why they should buy your product or service. Look at it as the visitor’s final step in their buying journey.
More importantly, you have to include a powerful call to action button that directs the customer on what to do to get the product or service. Your CTA should say something like, “add to cart,” “order now,” or “call now,” depending on what you are offering.
Pay-Per-Click Power Play
With the above strategies and more, you will be on your way to getting exceptional results from your PPC campaign. So go ahead, make those changes and see your PPC yield the ROI results you desire.