Workers’ compensation benefits are great financial support for when you are injured and unable to work. However, not everyone qualifies as the workers’ company policies require specific standards. Workers’ compensation insurance helps protect your employer from being sued when you are injured on the job. It also speedily provides you the benefits you need without a drawn-out legal battle. The requirements for receiving benefits are straightforward.
How Do I Qualify For Workers’ Compensation Benefits
To receive workers’ compensation, you will need to prove that you were injured at your job location while performing routine work. It can also be while you are transporting goods or traveling for work-related reasons.
Requirement 1: You Weren’t Breaking Rules
If you were injured while under the influence, joking around, or doing other illicit activities, you might be denied workers’ compensation. This is because had you been acting professionally, you wouldn’t have been injured. Some employers may be lenient, but in most cases, an insurance company won’t be.
Requirement 2: You Were Performing Job Duties
If you were injured on the premises of your employment, then you will be covered by workers’ compensation. If you don’t work on-site and are commuting or transporting goods, this can also be covered. When you are performing delivery, traveling, or doing other activities while being paid hourly, then you will receive workers’ compensation for your injuries. This also includes if you are paid for the mileage to and from work for your commute.
Requirement 3: Be At Least Part-Time
If you work part-time and not full-time, it doesn’t matter. You are still entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. If you are an independent contractor and not technically an employee, you can still receive coverage. This doesn’t apply to anyone who is a volunteer. You only have to prove that you are an independent contractor. If you are a sole proprietor, you won’t need workers’ compensation unless your job requires hazardous work. This includes working on a roof or with electrical wiring.
Requirement 4: Have A Serious Injury
You can only receive workers’ compensation for an injury that is seriously disabling. This can be broken bones, a concussion, a large wound, severe back pain, and more. Workers’ compensation is designed to cover large and expensive medical treatments. If you can work as you usually do and your wound is a scrape or a bruise, then you may not receive benefits as you can still perform your job.
Injuries Can Include:
● Equipment injuries
● Slip and Fall accidents
● Chemical burns or exposure
● Disease and illness
● Functional injuries
There are many other types of injuries to consider, as long as you don’t wait too long to make your claim.
Worker’s Compensation Doesn’t Include:
● Anxiety or Stress
● Self-inflicted injuries
● Injuries caused by fighting or joking around
● Wounds caused by you committing a crime or violating a company policy
● Psychiatric disorders
Requirement 5: An Eligible Business
In California, all businesses must be covered by workers’ compensation even if they have only one worker. However, there is no minimum required number of employees.
Get Additional Guidance On Workers’ Compensation
You can get more clarity on whether or not you would qualify for workers’ compensation. You can speak with an attorney who understands insurance jargon and how their policies work.