If you want to sell Bitcoin and for these funds, buy XTZ, or Tezos, you need to find a safe platform with profitable conditions. To do so, you have to check a number of criteria and features and compare them to choose the most convenient crypto exchange option.
Among the top features to check for cryptocurrency exchanging and converting, there are the following:
• Safety
This is the top priority. Even if the conditions are the best, and the process is the most transparent, if the website isn’t safe, we highly recommend avoiding it. It is easy to check whether the exchange applies the main safety measures. Check the website URL. If it starts with https, you can move to checking other criteria. If though the URL starts with http with no SSL certificate protection, it is better to look for a different platform.
• The Availability Of The Needed Coin
If the platform doesn’t support the coins you need to exchange, the service is useless for you. In general, it is better to check those exchanges that offer many coins to buy and sell.
• The Convenience Of Use
The user interface shall be clear, the BTC to XTZ converter shall be easy-to-use even if you aren’t an expert. If you struggle to find the needed options, it is not the best place to trade. Everything shall be intuitive, and the exchange transactions shall be performed with minimum delays and issues.
• For Some Clients, The Anonymity Of The Service Is Crucial
If this is your case, check an exchange that offers an opportunity to swap coins without KYC. You can opt for a crypto exchange platform – LetsExchange or any other similar service. Don’t forget though that anonymous transactions are permitted for cryptocurrency only. If you deposit, withdraw, or exchange fiat money, you need to pass all the KYC procedures.
• Feedback Online
Check whatever you can find. If you find just positive reviews, be careful. There is nothing perfect, and in the majority of such cases, it means that the company has paid for them. If you see negative reviews, make sure you understand what the drawbacks are mentioned. Because if a client didn’t like the website design, it is one thing. But when the client is complaining that his funds have disappeared, it is a completely different thing. Check what drawbacks are irrelevant for you and you still don’t mind using the exchange, and which drawbacks are crucial and will prevent you from using a specific exchange.
• Customer Support
Even if the website seems to be the best in the world, it is worth nothing if customer support isn’t available, cannot solve the arising issues or you have to wait for their replies for ages regarding your Bitcoin to Tezos exchange.
The Exchange Procedure
Once you have found the best platform, it is time to swap your BTC and XTZ coins. Usually, the exchange procedure is very easy:
- You provide the coin to sell and the number of coins.
- Then, you choose which coin you want to buy.
- After that, the system will request you to make a deposit.
Once done, the system will choose the best deal from available options, create an order, and the transaction will be processed. The money will be credited to your crypto wallet with the new balance of Tezos based on the amount of Bitcoins you converted, prices, and their exchange rate.