Career Guidance Steers Careers In Right Direction

career counselling importance job guidance counselor

Career planning is the most critical decision of our life, what we choose at initial phase of our life has a great impact on our future. Right from students to working professionals, everyone at some point gets confused about the next step and feel the need for career guidance. With time seeing the need for making right career choices, career counselling has made its place. Though some still does not understand the importance of career counselling, but the pandemic has made world know how important career counselling is for students and others to make better decisions. 

The demand and need for career guidance and counselling has increased over the years. Now even parents know why career choices and right decision making is important for their kids to have a rewarding career. To control students entering into depression due to career stress and educational comparison, career counselling is the destination. Career guidance not just makes students know their choices but also helps parents understand that there are fields beyond engineering, software sales, and healthcare where their children can make better careers. For instance, software sales has very promising future prospects due to its fast-paced environment where creativity is key for success!

Let's take a look at why you must seek career guidance, importance of career planning, scope of career counselling and why to indulge in career talk with a counsellor. 

Why Seek Career Guidance? 

The number of people regretting their career decisions at later stage of their life is no less, which makes the need for career guidance even more important. Career is important and so are the decisions. There are a few reasons that makes it clear why you must seek career guidance: 

• Make right career choices. 
• Know your capabilities, interests weakness and strengths. 
• Become a better decision maker. 
• Know different career options available and their scope. 
• To make right career choices to have a smooth running life. 
• Know scope and importance of career opportunities of interest. 
• Beat career stress and depression. 
• Become capable of dealing with your career choices. 
• Perform better at school and college. 
• Knowing your personality and careers options that matches it. 
• Take right professional decisions for a better career. 
• Make right career switch. 
• Know your weak spots and work on improving them. 
• The job that will best fit your personality. 

This is not the end of why you need career guidance, you might have your own reasons to talk to a counsellor. When in a confused and frustrated state in any stage of life, don't take decision in a rush, talk to a counsellor. Every problem has a solution and experts are there to help. They help you move out of the stressed stage and show you the right path. All you need to is to take a step ahead to talk to them. 

Importance Of Career Planning 

Career planning is as important for students as for working professionals. The best time to start planning your career is right after the 10th standard. When you make right subject choices in 12th, you know what you want to do in future. When you work with a plan, all things fall in right place. So taking career counselling will help you make right choices. 

Career planning is crucial for students that are in 10th, 12th and even in graduation. This one right step will make their career choices easy. Career counselling is not only for students, it is for working professionals as well. When you are not happy with your current job and make a career switch, you need guidance from experts to know what next big step you should take to have a successful and rewarding career. 

Scope of Career Counselling 

Career counsellors and the process of career counselling help students and professionals find their right career path and skills. The demand for career counsellors has increased over time. The scope of career counselling has also been getting bigger, the need of counselling starts from school students to even the seniors at work life, as they need help in planning their career well. 

Career counsellors offer career guidance to help students related to their education concerns as well as providing details on career prospects, best institutes, educational finance planning, and educational patterns. 

Why Choose Career Talk With Counsellors? 

Scope of career counselling has grown over times and people have now realized the importance of career guidance over the years. For today's students where there are ample number of career options and opportunities, making correct choices at right time is crucial. 

Career talk with counsellors keeps you free to ask as many questions as you have relating to your career and career confusions. A session with career counsellors helps you get all your queries answered and makes you aware about a lot more new career opportunities that you can choose from. 

Career counsellor are experts in their field and know what a person needs to make right choices in career. They help you understand your interests and how important it is to make a career choice as per your personality and interests. 

The Bottom Line On Career Guidance

Career Counselling is for everyone, there are myths that career guidance is only for students that you should not believe. Career counselling is available for everyone at every stage of life. It helps you understand the career options available for you and the right path to pursue them. Career Counselling makes you aware of your own skills, strengths and weaknesses and how work with them. The biggest of all, it tells you what career is your best fit. 

Unlike years back when people had no knowledge of career counselling and used to make decisions based on what their family members have been doing, you have better chances to choose your own career. All you need is to get help from a career counsellor and get all your confusions answered. You should understand that making a right choice now will save you from regretting later for your wrong decisions. 

Career Conclusion

Your career is important. Don't do it wrong, talk to a counsellor today!

Open Naukri has introduced new and holistic ways for the proper selection of careers and making professional choices. This is because we know the importance of career choice in student life. Giving career guidance to students is our prime responsibility and our career counsellors are best at fulfilling it too.

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