The 30.2 million small businesses in America employ 58.9 million people. Small businesses are mighty as a result of quality employees.
Smaller teams mean everyone holds more weight. Hiring the wrong employees causes massive financial and emotional stressors.
If you're new to the small business world, you'll want to learn how to find employees to optimize. It's important not to go it alone.
Everyone reaches a point where they've maxed out their bandwidth and need more help. If you're wondering where to start with smart employment for your business, here's what to know.
Business Hiring Tips
If you launched a small business, you have entrepreneurial blood. That means you're a risk-taker and bet against the odds.
Here's a tough statistic to read about: 75% of people admit to poor hiring—so it's up to you to beat those odds too. Before you learn how to hire an employee, ask yourself the following questions.
• How many positions do I need to hire for?
• How can I best articulate the job description(s)?
• What type of employee(s) do I need?
• Full-time, part-time, contract employees?
• What's cost-effective for employees?
You won't get very far if you don't know what you're asking for in terms of talent needs. Decide whether you prefer one person for many roles or several experts for each role.
Having a clear idea of your company's needs will translate into quality employees.
Tips For Hiring Employees
Depending on your budget, you have options for hiring employees. Consider the following.
1. Using social media and professional platforms like LinkedIn to recruit people
2. Building rapport with people in your field as a way to get referrals
3. Putting out ads on job search engines with clear job descriptions
4. Posting on your website or personal pages
5. Submitting ads to local newspapers
6. Sending out newsletters to your followers
Depending on your business, some hiring options will make more sense than others. At the end of the day, knowing what qualities you're looking for helps get quality feedback.
How to Find Employees
When it comes to how to find employees, there are two main options. The first is choosing one of the above strategies to focus your efforts. The second's focusing on qualities of good employees as the framework for your search.
Ask yourself:
• What qualities must your employees show?
• What are dealbreakers?
• What qualities reflect the job?
• What skill sets ensure optimal performance?
Depending on the business, drug testing's a good way to ensure the right employees. If it comes down to a tough decision, having the right drug testing supplies can spark some clarity.
No matter your strategy, smart business means smart investments. Asking yourself where to find employees for your business is the first step.
Best Employee Practices
When wondering how to find employees for your new business, turn inward before you look elsewhere. Remember you're in total control of your success. Setting standards upfront sets the tone of your future workforce.
Once you announce having open positions, you'll know who's best by listening to your gut. There's hiring good employees, and then there's hiring good employees for you.
Consider the big picture of employment. Who do you work well with? What does the company need?
Once you put feelers out for exceptional employees, you'll know it when you see it. For more on refining your best hiring practices, check out our latest blog posts in the HR and Careers section of Bootstrap Business!