Property owners are installing digital directories to their properties as they perceive its ability to enhance property value while providing a seamless experience to visitors. The list of tenants or occupiers acquires a clean, smart look when displayed on digital screens, which adds a touch of professionalism that speaks volumes about property owners' attitudes.
A digital directory is like a digital mall map and signage used in commercial establishments for communicating and engaging with visitors that help in guiding them to navigate throughout a building and the premises. The display contains a lot of information like tenant listing and names, property management contact information, daily meetings and information, news and weather information, emergency evacuation plans, and a map of the premises and building that helps in wayfinding.
The benefits of installing digital directories are many. You must fill up a building directory order form of the supplier to get a customized piece of the device manufactured for your property.
Here are some benefits of digital directories.
Stay Current With Real-Time Updates
Updating a digital directory is a breeze as compared to updating a traditional building directory. By using digital signage software, you can edit any content even when away from the premises and operate remotely. By sitting at your computer at home, you can update several buildings' digital directories in the easiest possible manner. The changes will take effect immediately, and it saves the hassles of paying for new directory listings.
Customized Design
When ordering a digital directory, you can add your personal touches to it that bear the marks of the brand or property because it is entirely customizable. You can match the text, background, and boards of the digital directory columns with your brand colors and even add a beautiful HD image of the building by using an image widget. The widgets allow you to become creative with the directory. Using the slideshow widget, you can create a series of multi-media components like images, text, or videos then set play duration.
Flexible Layout
Choose your preferred layout from many digital directory templates that are fully customizable so that you can correctly adjust your needs. A one or two-column layout is most common that you can display in the portrait or landscape orientation. You can list the tenants according to the floors or make an alphabetical list and add any other information like flat number, telephone number, etc.
Multiple Uses
You can use the digital directory to display information related to the property that is useful for tenants, owners, and visitors. It can also be as an advertising media for local businesses besides sharing regular news and weather updates, media slide shows, clock display, videos, YouTube channels, social media accounts, and more.
The software used for creating and maintaining content is highly user-friendly. You can make necessary changes and adjustments to stay current without having to spend additional time on it. Taking advantage of technology will make your property more attractive and offer convenience to all who access it.