Spend time reviewing both your business' physical and cyber security now to save yourself time, money and stress in the future.
Stay one step ahead of criminals by performing regular risk assessments and implementing the necessary security precautions to protect your employees, customers, business property and assets. A serious security breach can result in devastating financial loss and damage to both your business and its reputation. Implement the top security tips in this blog to deter criminals, protect your investment, and secure your business from attack.
People, Physical Assets And Property
As well as securing your business during regular working hours, consider what you are doing to keep it and your employees safe out-of-hours, when working remotely, at business events, and on business trips.
- Use the services of an expert security consultancy.
- Hire highly trained security guards or close protection officers.
- Invest in physical security measures like security lights, burglar alarms, and surveillance systems.
- Protect your perimeters by securing them with gates and fences.
- Use an access control system.
- Dispose of sensitive documents carefully with a secure shredding service.
Data Networks And Digital Property
In today's highly digital world, your business is likely to have a large amount of valuable data and digital property stored on machines and the internet. Cyber crime is now one of the biggest threats that businesses face, so being savvy with your cyber security can help to save your business and its reputation from attack.
- Install cyber security software onto all computers and laptops and install all new updates when they become available.
- Use safe passwords and train all employees to do the same.
- Avoid using unsecured networks where possible and be extra careful not to access your sensitive data if you do connect to one.
- Make sure that all data and digital property is backed up safely and securely on the cloud.
- Give employees access to data on a need-to-know basis.
Perform A Security Audit
If you need help securing your business, the best place to start is with a security audit to gain expert advice on where your business' security weak spots are. Once you have addressed all issues flagged up by the audit you will have peace of mind that your business has comprehensive protection.
Train Employees
As well as securing your business, it is equally as important to train staff in security best practice and signs of a security breach. If everyone involved in your business is looking out for its safety and security there is less risk of a breach, and if one does occur, it should be identified quickly to minimise damage.
Business Continuity Management
By practicing excellent business continuity, your company will be able to react to a security breach quicker and more efficiently to minimise losses and reduce recovery time. That will give you a greater chance of success in an increasingly dismal by still hyper-competitive economy.