Conservative estimates value the American sports betting market at around 150 billion dollars. Not only is this higher than ever, but the legalization of sports betting in a growing number of states will only add to its value.
As you might have imagined, this means that plenty of people are asking themselves the same question right now. Should I buy sports picks? For the vast majority of people, the answer is a resounding yes!
But that doesn't mean you shouldn't prepare yourself before diving in. Read ahead for seven things to consider when buying sports betting picks.
The Wide World of Sports Betting
For many years, sports bettors in the United States had to physically go to Las Vegas or take their chances with bookie operating in a foreign country. It was only rather recently that states were allowed to permit sports betting within their boundaries.
The truth is that there has always been a lot of money in sports and sports betting. In fact, the 2nd Century Roman chariot racer, Gaius Appuleius Diocles, was the highest-paid athlete of all time. His wealth today would be worth about $15 billion dollars.
Betting was commonplace during these races and has a long history around the world. Today, you can bet using your smartphone quickly and easily from anywhere in the world.
Should I Buy Sports Picks?
The short answer is yes you should consider buying sports picks. However, you will likely want to know how we came to this decision before spending your money.
Here is our list of seven things to think about when placing sports bets.
1. Is It Legal to Buy Sports Picks?
The answer will depend on where you live.
In 2018, the Supreme Court voted to repeal a law that created a federal ban on sports betting. This law, enacted in 1992, was known as the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA).
Essentially, this gave states the freedom to decide for themselves whether or not to allow sports betting. As of the writing of this article, 22 states allow sports betting in some shape or form.
However, legal sports betting looks different across the country.
2. Can I Buy Sports Picks Online?
Again, it ultimately depends on where you live. Some states, such as Michigan, Illinois, and Delaware, require potential bettors to place their bets in person on a physical sportsbook.
However, a growing number of states do offer mobile betting. Colorado, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island are some of the states that are running with online betting. In 2019, Pennsylvania took $1.5 billion in sports bets.
3. The Moral Implications of Sports Betting
Many of us lived during a time of prohibition for sports betting. The image of shady characters placing bets with even shadier characters was nearly ingrained in our minds.
However, this couldn't be farther from the truth. Most of us are just sports fans and/or statistics enthusiasts. Simply put, placing wagers adds to the excitement of watching sports.
Understanding The Opposition
Of course, we love our hobby but a minority of people are against it. This is because some people are worried about the potential for abuse.
Gambling has led to addiction in susceptible individuals and has motivated people to cheat. For example, the Calciopoli match-fixing scandal involved multiple Italian soccer clubs, referees, and a lot of money.
However, it should be noted many of this behavior occurs with illegal sports betting. Laws don't stop illegal sports betting and only give incentive to shady people getting involved.
4. How to Find Sports Picks for Purchase
As we've alluded to before, it is now much easier than ever to place a wager on a sporting event. Forget getting dressed and going to the tracks. You can do it from the comfort of your own home.
Although most people will agree that some luck is involved, you don't want to leave all your picks up to chance.
Being good at predict outcomes in any type of sporting requires practice and lots of studying. Some people will claim they have an instinct for this kind of thing. However, the experts spend year scouring over and analyzing an endless amount of data.
5. Learning From the Best Sports Bettors
The best sports bettors aren't the flashiest and certainly aren't the most impulsive. In fact, if you are in it to make money, it is imperative that you separate the emotional aspect of betting as much as possible.
Sure, it is fun and exciting, but these emotions can be distracting and it can be easy to let yourself get carried away.
6. The Hard Way vs The Easy Way
As you can imagine, becoming an expert in sports statistics and probabilities isn't easy. It takes a lot of time and even more mathematics.
If that doesn't sound like your cup of tea, that leaves you with three options. You could follow your gut instincts or listen to your friend, Kyle, who told you "to just trust him, dude".
A better option is to buy picks from people who actually know what they are doing. The best sports handicappers in the business will, for a reasonable fee, given the best possible return of investment (ROI) on your wagers.
7. Knowing When to Fold
A big part of being a successful sports bettor (and poker player) is knowing when to call it quits. Just because it is legal and most people can do it without problem, it doesn't mean it can't be potentially harmful.
Just like other forms of gambling, sports betting can lead to financial issues and even problems with your relationships.
Being a responsible sports bettor means learning how to spot the warning signs of compulsive gambling.
Making The Safe Bet
Should I buy sports picks? Well, if you just want to play around with a few dollars that you don't mind losing, maybe it isn't necessary.
However, if you actually to win and make some money on a consistent basis, you definitely need to look into it. Be smart with your sports betting and sport game picks.
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