Since the emergence of COVID-19 to the states, law firms have had to kick it into high gear to maintain cases and clients. In short-term, moving remotely worked for the Stay-at-Home orders, but what does long-term solutions look like? How can law firms get clients if people are afraid to leave their homes?
Sutliff and Stout Law Firm took an overarching view of the COVID-19 pandemic and how getting clients in their law firm has reigned success.
Starting Small: Working Remotely
Law firms are a people-oriented business, so this drastic shift to remote, online work posed a challenge at the start of the pandemic. But this hasn’t stopped law firms. All legal proceedings are 100% capable of being online, and have been conducted through various platforms such as Zoom, WebEx, Microsoft Teams, etc. It all depends what state you’re in and the type of proceeding you have.
There’s no doubt that work done in person flows better. But despite this setback, working remotely has given law firms the opportunity to stay open and help others during a time where legal help may be hard to come by.
Be Constantly Available
Because time has become relative during COVID-19, people are up past hours where they normally would be asleep and asleep during hours they’re usually awake. This is why being available at all times helps for our clients. Some offices are open and some are closed, so it's important to let clients know about availability.
Rethink The Old Ways
Another way that has helped get clients during this trying time is rethinking the way of getting clients. Before it was over conference meetings and in-person consultations, now it’s over the phone or via the Internet. This faceless interaction can be hard to attract clients so using words and knowing how to appeal to clients with words is important as ever. The need for empathy and deepened human connection through words proves vital for these new ways of communication. In addition, speaking with the client about their preferred channels of communication can help you help them with the success of a potential case. This also allows feedback from the client to be presented, which can go a long way for improvements for a law firm.
Reassurance Is Key
Most of all, to keep clients, one of the best things to do is to reassure them, especially now. Unchartered waters are ahead in terms of the future of the pandemic and everyone needs the comfort that everything will work itself out. No matter if you are a lawyer concerned about your business or a client who needs a lawyer, both parties can practice the kindness of reassurance.
Sutliff & Stout Law Firm
Since 2008, the personal injury attorneys at Sutliff & Stout have helped clients who have suffered injuries due to another party’s negligence. The highly skilled team of personal injury lawyers at Sutliff & Stout are here to help if you’ve been injured. Don’t hesitate to call Houston car accident lawyers Sutliff & Stout at (713) 987-7111 or contact us online today.