3 Tips for Digital Marketing on a Budget

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Do you want to start marketing your business online but aren't sure how to get started?

Digital marketing is a critical tool for businesses of all sizes. There are over 4.5 billion internet users, so if you're not marketing your product or services online, you're missing out on a lot of potential customers. 

One of the most significant barriers to digital marketing is cost. While a large marketing budget is excellent, there are plenty of things you can do to boost your brand awareness online by spending little to no money. 

Keep reading to learn more about digital marketing on a budget, and how you can start bringing in new customers online today. 

Three Tips for Successful Digital Marketing on a Budget 

There are great inexpensive digital marketing strategies out there, but it is worth it to make at least a small investment. If you want to start driving new customers to your website but aren't sure how here are three helpful tips that will get you started: 

1. Learn More About SEO 

Search engine optimization (or SEO) is a valuable tool that will drive more traffic to your website organically by boosting your ranking in search engine results. 

One critical element of SEO is conducting keyword research. Keywords are terms that people search that are relevant to your product and services. The higher you rank for specific keywords people search, the more likely these prospects are to visit your site. 

You can use online keyword research tools (many of which are free) to help you see where you rank for specific keywords. If you don't rank as highly for that keyword, try using it organically in your website content. For more helpful information about SEO and inbound marketing, check out our Digital Marketing section. 

2. Start Blogging 

Blogging is another inbound marketing strategy that will provide value to your customers and drive more organic traffic to your website. 

Starting a blog on your website is free, although it will require some time and effort to research and write your posts. However, this effort is well worth it, and your potential customers will be able to get to know you and your business better through your blog. 

Once you have a good grasp on producing content, you can branch out and start doing guest posts on other websites. There are hundreds of different websites out there, from industry-specific outlets to mainstream media publications that allow guests to write online content. 

Tapping into new audiences gives your brand great exposure online and allows you to show your expertise on a particular topic. 

3. Utilize Social Media

Social media is another important tool that is mostly free for brands to use. But to stand out on social media outlets now, your business has to do more on than just posting a few times per week.

You have to engage with users and build a strong following and awareness of your brand. You can do this on Facebook, for example, by joining different Facebook groups that your target customers are interested in. 

Learn More About Digital Marketing Tactics You Can Do Today 

Digital marketing doesn't have to be a serious drain on your business's resources. There are some small things you can do with online marketing today that will add up to significant results in the future. 

If you'd like to learn more about digital marketing on a budget, make sure you check out the rest of our website for some helpful tips and tricks. Visit the Digital Marketing section of our Bootstrap Business Blog for more articles and insight on inbound marketing online.

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