That One Annoying Day When the Drain Overflowed

shower drain clogged bathtub drains overflowd

The overflow drain is a plumbing feature that is added to prevent your sink or bathtub from overflowing with water in case of a clog. For both the bathtub and the sink over you vanity, the overflow operates in the same way. Most bathtubs and sinks are equipped with one of these secondary drains. You have your primary drain, located at the bottom of the basin, and the overflow drain that is located along the side wall of the basin. 

The secondary drain allows water to flow out of your basin and down sewer lines. 

The overflow drain is normally located on the opposite side of the faucet along the upper wall. In other cases, the overflow drain can be found directly below the faucet. The overflow drain is a hole that allows water to still flow to out of your basin even if the drain in your basin is clogged. It is located around the upper rim so that you can still fill your sink without a constant loss of water. 

One of the more obvious signs that you might have a drainage problem is if your toilet, sink, bath or shower starts draining slower than normal. This is usually a sign of a blockage somewhere in the system. But it can also be caused by a collapsed pipe. 

Blockages can often be resolved with plumber service. But a collapsed pipe will need to be repaired to fully counter your drainage problem. 

If just one of your household drains is draining slowly, the problem might work itself out. However, if all of them are backed up, it is likely to be a problem with the sewer drain. If there is a blockage in the lines, it will hold the waste water within the pipework. In some extreme cases, the sewer overflows and waste water floods onto the surface. In this case, unpleasant smells and all types of harmful germs may come, as well as damage to the property. 

Drains can become blocked due to food debris stuck in the pipes. As the food slowly decomposes it creates a noticeably bad smell, which appears worse if the tap has been turned on. You might catch the smell of sewage inside the house itself or outside around the drain cover. If you can still notice the smell after the pipe has been cleaned then this might be a sign that there is a damaged or collapsed pipe somewhere in the system. Cracked or collapsed drains can often be a major cause of damp within a property. With a damaged drain, the flow of water will be heavily disrupted. This can lead to water flowing into the ground surrounding the drainpipe itself. Damaged drains can lead to issues such as penetrating damp and wet rot. 

Prevention is better than cure when it comes to drains. There is a wealth of information about how to look after your drains properly. If you avoid putting food or oil down the drain and don’t flush anything except toilet paper your drains will be the better for it. 

However, if you have noticed any of these signs you should contact a drainage professional as soon as possible. Getting the issue fixed quickly will reduce the risk of causing more permanent and costly damage to your property.

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