Cybersecurity is a greater threat than ever before.
For instance, by next year the damage caused by cybercrime is predicted to reach a staggering $6 trillion. The potential for hacks and attacks is high; the financial and practical implications are severe.
It isn’t limited to computers either. Our mobiles phones are just as likely to be targeted.
Indeed, phones are highly advanced bits of kit. It’s akin to carrying around a computer in our pocket every single day! They also hold reams of valuable personal information and data. Both of those facts put our phones at high risk.
Oh, and don’t forget the ‘traditional’ threat of getting mobile phones stolen, or losing them.
Clearly, it’s vital that we take appropriate steps to protect our mobile phones.
Want to know how to secure your smartphone? Keep reading to discover the essential ways to keep your cell phone secure.
1. Set Strong Passwords
A password is a foundational component of digital security.
Failing to set one is like leaving the front door of your house wide open!
The potential for harm is exponentially increased. Without a password, or screen lock, anyone can simply pick up your smart phone and access the contents. It’s phone security 101. Always have a screen lock or password in place.
A sim lock is another vital step. Let’s imagine you’ve set a screen lock in place for your telephone. You’re happy that there’s a level of security in place. However, what’s stopping someone removing the sim and placing it in another device? Not a lot.
That’s where a sim lock comes into play. It means they’ll need a passcode to gain entry here as well.
2. Encrypt Key Information
Most smartphones enable you to encrypt particularly sensitive information.
For example, let’s imagine you have a rubbish memory. You create a digital note that contains all of your passwords to the accounts you have online.
This, of course, is gold dust to anyone who wants to do you wrong.
Encrypting this file would help prevent someone from gaining easy access to it. Likewise, you can encrypt entire folders if required. Gaining access to what’s inside would require a password. Of course, you’d have to do remember it!
But it means there’s an extra level of defense against intruders.
3. Use Mobile Internet Security
Almost everyone knows the importance of internet security for their computer.
Antivirus software is fairly common.
However, it’s surprising how few people treat their phones in the same way. We forget that mobile phones are effectively tiny computers, with similar power, and just as much sensitive information.
Almost all of the same online risks now apply. Yet we fail to protect our phones accordingly.
Be sure to download anti-virus software to your smartphone if you can. Indeed, your computer software may have a free-to-use mobile version to download. It might even be included in the package you’re already paying for!
It’s worth noting the rising prevalence of fake antivirus programs though. You think you’re covered when, in fact, you aren’t. Always use a reputable source for such an important task.
4. Don’t Forget Bluetooth
Have you ever forgotten to turn off your Bluetooth?
These days it isn’t uncommon to have it on all day anyway. After all, the phone’s connected to music speakers, headsets and so on. Turning it off becomes an annoyance.
Unfortunately, this is another way people unwittingly compromise their phone’s security.
It’s true that a hacker must be within a certain distance. But there’s almost always someone around who’s in range to do some damage.
Never accept unknown requests to pair. Turn your Bluetooth off when you don’t need it. At the very least, set your device to ‘not discoverable’. Each of these steps will help protect your phone from harm.
5. Be Wary of Dodgy Apps
Applications are another source of trouble.
Sometimes it’s entirely innocent. For example, an update may include a bug that causes unexpected security issues. Other times it’s something more malicious altogether. People can create an app for the sole purpose of invading your phone.
The best way to prevent this happening is to steer clear of dubious apps. Read the reviews, check the ratings, and avoid untrustworthy sources.
6. Avoid Open Wi-Fi Networks
It’s always tempting to connect to free and open networks.
After all, you’re bored, have limited data, and want free access to the internet.
Just know that open networks are unsecured. Connecting to them can put your phone (or computer, and tablet, for that matter) at risk.
Anything you send over the internet isn’t encrypted. Someone could very easily intercept those emails, messages and files you’re sending! It’s like posting something and leaving the envelope unsealed.
Avoid open networks if possible, or use a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your data.
7. Use a Security Bag
Let’s not forget the physical threat.
Losing a phone or getting it stolen is far from uncommon. You bid farewell to a valuable possession, and everything on it is potentially compromised.
Taking steps to secure it from a physical perspective is important as well.
Security bags (such as Faraday bags) are one option to consider. They’re specifically designed to stop people from gaining unwanted access to your possessions. Likewise, some models protect your valuables from scanners (which can swipe data) and electromagnetic fields (which can damage the electronics).
Time to Keep Your Phone Secure
There you have it: essential methods for keeping your cell phone secure.
The world is full of potential threats to your smartphone. The physical and digital world can both pose a risk to the phone itself, and the content on it. For that reason, it’s vital to take steps to keep smartphones secure.
Thankfully, there are all sorts of simple protective steps to take for your smartphones or other personal electronics. Hopefully, this post has highlighted the main ones! Keep them in mind and your mobile is far more likely to avoid coming to harm.
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