5 Signs You Have The Worst Website Ever

signs worst website ever poor web design fails bad user experience

An unappealing website can be highly detrimental. In simple terms, a good website is not negotiable for online operations.

You must keep in mind that potential customers are influenced by their web experiences when making decisions. So, if you have the worst website ever, you cannot hope to gain new customers.

As a result, you will lose a lot of business and money. The primary cause of bad website design is unskilled people choosing DIY creation.

Web design is not a simple process here in the work of companies and agencies. If a person without skill and knowledge creates a site, there will be obvious markers of poor quality. Ideal designs must be works of art.

The interfaces should appeal to the visitors on a site. In addition, the setup must have the right features for smooth functionality. This will promote simple navigation and usability.

An inexperienced individual is unlikely to combine the art and science of web design for a perfect website. A web design neophyte is more likely to create the worst website ever, or a Frankenstein of warped website.

Whether it is personal or professional, what good is having a website if those who visit consider it the worst website ever? Here are signs indicating poor website design and how to make appropriate corrections.

1. Chaotic Page Design

Your online visitors should see the core information on your website after the pages are loaded. This will encourage them to continue exploring your site. But you cannot provide too much information at once.

In simple terms, your pages should not be crammed with too many details. This could have the opposite effect. Poorly designed websites will often look too busy. The numerous images, colorful text, and other elements will give a chaotic appearance.

It is also essential to note that too many graphics and details will take longer to load. If this happens, a lot of guests will not even wait to see your website. You should be careful not to make a confusing website.

A confusing page will not have harmony. For instance, some sites have a range of font types, contrasting images, and videos. Avoid bad website design by choosing a core graphic design with a few simple and appealing elements.

In addition, do not leave too much empty space because the pages will look incomplete.

2. Mobile Incompatibility

Countless people prefer to use their mobile devices to access websites. So, you should prioritize mobile-friendliness when designing your online setup. It is not common for some business owners or personal bloggers to think that a basic page is enough.

After all, the pages can still be seen using a phone or tablet. But one must remember that a site designed for viewing on a computer will load slowly on a smaller device.

Also, the design elements will not appear as expected. This can make the website look unprofessional and unappealing. If you do not have a mobile compatible site, consider reviewing and correcting your bad web design.

3. Poor Content Use

Content is core on websites. The details on your pages will inform the visitor more about your business products and services. If the content is not good and catchy, it will cause visitors to leave instead of exploring for longer.

This could mean lost money. The most common mistake is the poor use of font styles in content creation.

Your font should be legible. It should not be too large or too small. Also, do not use font styles which might be difficult to read.

A lot of content can be beneficial. It will provide a lot of information. Also, search engines are likely to discover the site faster. However, your block of text can be intimidating.

Some people will be turned off if they imagine reading everything. You can make your content easier on the eyes by breaking it up. Use a large heading to give those who wish a chance to skim with ease.

In addition, consider breaking the content with images, fun infographics, and videos.

4. Bad Navigation Options

Bad websites will make it difficult for visitors to navigate. If people cannot find the desired details with ease, they will definitely exit.

When designing your website, you must ensure that the navigation options are simple and intuitive. For instance, it is important to avoid having internal links which open into different windows.

This might be sensible for some external links. But it is not a good choice for internal navigation because countless windows might open and slow down site speed.

Multiple open links consume a lot of bandwidth. Also, some people find it disturbing to have a lot of browser windows and they will leave your website for a competitor site.

Keep the link opening simple and direct. Another common problem is small links and buttons. This is not a problem for computers.

However, mobile sites can cause inconvenience if the links are not big enough to click with the finger. Make sure that your visitors will not struggle or need to zoom. In addition, avoid using hidden links, unless your site is a secret club.

5. Absence of Contact Info

If a person visits your website, it is an indication that they are interested in your products and services. In fact, there are people who will only click on your link to find a way to contact you for help.

If your contact information is not available to visitors, they will exit and look for an alternative. So, it is essential to have the contact info in a convenient place to avoid giving visitors a moment to second guess their decision.

The information should be on the home page for people who have already decided to purchase your goods. 

You should also have a contact us page on the menu for convenience. Social media is an important platform for communication. So, do not forget to include relevant buttons. If you don't have this basic information included on your site, it's an obvious sign you have the worst website ever in terms of professionalism and SEO.

Additional Signs of the Worst Website Ever

Ads in the wrong areas of your site are frustrating and annoying to visitors. Advertisements are necessary as a source of income. But if they are in the face of the people browsing and slowing down website speed, they will do more harm than good.

They will affect the user experience. Avoid problems in ad positioning and popups by doing a personal review of the site. Poor targeting of the audience on the site is shown through the use of the wrong images and bad content choices.

If your customers cannot connect, your website will turn them off. Finally, ensure that your call-to-action speaks to your visitors. It should be concise and clear on the steps the people should take. 

Website Workings Conclusion

If you would like to avoid the detriments of having the worst website ever, contact us for more information and personalized guidance for making improvements. Visit the Web Dev section of our Bootstrap Business Blog right now!

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