SocialOomph Review: Use SocialOomph For Social Media Posting
Social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and blogs are obviously proven platforms for increasing the awareness and effectiveness of your business. If you have been using them correctly, they can translate into improved sales, leads, awareness, branding, interaction, community, SEO, and much more for your business.
However, as it has been noted by countless business efficiency professionals, maintaining and updating your multiple social media platforms (including multiple accounts within each specific social media platform) can be a time-consuming and difficult task. While there are some individuals against any form of auto-posting or scheduled posting, the majority of individuals will achieve positive results and convenience utilizing these methods (if done correctly).
Many posts need to be made on the go, during office hours, or on specific hours that you have determined through business strategy or analytics reports. For example, maybe you have a post that you are targeting towards prospects in Australia and you want your post to be presented during their peak media-consuming time and not ours in the United States. So now let’s instead focus on a solution to your scheduled and auto-posting needs.
Enter SocialOomph, an affordable platform that allows you to schedule set or alternating posts to any or all of your Facebook, Twitter, Blog, and LinkedIn accounts. It offers a plethora of additional options including automated Direct Messages on Twitter, auto-follow, link shortening/tracking, purging tweets or inbox, email features, integration with other platforms, and many other automated intelligent actions. There are various free features and many that require a small biweekly or monthly subscription fee.
So what feature of SocialOomph do I find most useful? The auto-posting and scheduled posting features of course! Well we all know that Twitter’s newsfeed model is more conducive to businesses producing a large quantity of tweets. HubSpot even recommends tweeting 5-6 times per day for maximum effectiveness.
Therefore, you can certainly take advantage of Social Oomph’s ability to schedule an unlimited rotating amount of tweets. I use this ability to provide my large and diverse following with my featured videos, products, articles, and social media follow requests. This way I can constantly provide content and get the traffic, SEO boost, and awareness to my most important products and services... all of which improves overall business success.
You can request to have an update posted as frequently as every hour as well. You’re damn right I take full advantage of this feature. This quantity of tweets may seem like overkill to some, but if you have over 200,000 Twitter followers (and various business brands) and growing like I do (in time zones all over the world), it can be a very useful tool indeed.
Therefore, you can certainly take advantage of Social Oomph’s ability to schedule an unlimited rotating amount of tweets. I use this ability to provide my large and diverse following with my featured videos, products, articles, and social media follow requests. This way I can constantly provide content and get the traffic, SEO boost, and awareness to my most important products and services... all of which improves overall business success.
You can request to have an update posted as frequently as every hour as well. You’re damn right I take full advantage of this feature. This quantity of tweets may seem like overkill to some, but if you have over 200,000 Twitter followers (and various business brands) and growing like I do (in time zones all over the world), it can be a very useful tool indeed.
Yes, there are other competitive services out there such as HootSuite, HubSpot, TweetDeck, various CRM products, and a plethora of other social media / blog scheduling services. Even though there are plenty of alternatives out there, I still enjoy the simplicity and affordability of this service to schedule a wide array of tweets and other updates for a large and diverse following. I am a fan and if you want to check it out, visit their website at
I know it isn’t a new company, but it is one I’ve been utilizing on and off for a couple of years now and one that is constantly evolving in this ever-changing world of social media and digital marketing. If you're an entrepreneur or overtaxed corporate marketer, you may want to give SocialOomph a shot, or at least consider utilizing some of these social media marketing and production strategies.
I hope you enjoyed this article about the uses of SocialOomph for scheduled and automatically posting tweets, social media, and other digital content along with a review of SocialOomph.
Want More Social Media & Content Marketing Tips?
Read My Bootstrap Business Blog Posts:
- YouTube Social Media Marketing Strategies
- Snapchat Marketing Free Guide
Best Of Luck In Business!
I know it isn’t a new company, but it is one I’ve been utilizing on and off for a couple of years now and one that is constantly evolving in this ever-changing world of social media and digital marketing. If you're an entrepreneur or overtaxed corporate marketer, you may want to give SocialOomph a shot, or at least consider utilizing some of these social media marketing and production strategies.
I hope you enjoyed this article about the uses of SocialOomph for scheduled and automatically posting tweets, social media, and other digital content along with a review of SocialOomph.
Want More Social Media & Content Marketing Tips?
Read My Bootstrap Business Blog Posts:
- YouTube Social Media Marketing Strategies
- Snapchat Marketing Free Guide
Best Of Luck In Business!
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