7 Steps To Improve Efficiency In The Workplace

steps improve workplace efficiency

Every business owner is looking for ways to improve productivity at work. But for a company employees to be more productive, they need to become more efficient with their daily tasks with constant striving for self-improvement. 

Luckily there are many top tactics to improve job productivity and precision. Here are seven simple steps to start improving efficiency in the workplace. 

1. Understand Your Company’s Weaknesses 

Before you are able to fix anything, you must know what is broken. So spend some time evaluating where your company’s weaknesses are in terms of workplace efficiency. You can do this by surveying your employees to gain feedback from them. 

Other companies might seek out help from a third party. For example, an industrial engineering consulting firm can help address where weaknesses or waste are taking place within factories. 

Knowing what areas need improvement will allow your company to start making an appropriate plan for addressing these issues. 

2. Keep Your Technology Up To Date 

There is nothing that can weigh down your employees more than not having the right tools to do the job. Outdated technology can slow down even some of the most remedial tasks. Consider adopting new systems and software, such as CRM or project management systems. 

Look into communication platforms like Slack or Flowdock. Or perhaps your employees would benefit from utilizing iPads when they’re at trade shows or presenting demos to new potential clients. 

3. Adopt Flexible Work Hours And Policies 

A recent study has shown that implementing a four-day work week can drastically increase employee productivity. But this is just one way of allowing employees freedom and flexibility within their work schedule. 

People differ in terms of when they’re most productive throughout the day. Working during those prime hours will make someone work more efficiently. Having flexible work hours and policies promotes a level of trust and encourages effectiveness in their work. 

4. Provide Ongoing Training For Your Employees 

Investing in your company also means investing in the people who run your daily operations. Initial training, when a new employee is onboarded, is an essential part of the training. But it shouldn’t stop there. 

Continued employee development training will help them to expand their skill set and become more effective at doing their jobs. This training can be through things such as webinars, workshops, or attending conferences. 

5. Hire The Right Team 

Chances are there are a few hiring mistakes your business has made in the past. But if you want your business to run like a well-oiled machine, you have to start from the source. 

Turnover rates have skyrocketed since the COVID-19 global pandemic, costing businesses thousands, if not millions of dollars, on both the onboarding and offboarding process. 

If you want your company to be efficient, you’ll want to take a look at your current hiring process. Make sure you’re recruiting the right person for the job. 

6. Incentivize Your Employees 

Incentivizing your employees is not a new strategy, but it is an underutilized one. Sometimes the monotony of the daily grind can dull the sense of urgency to get a job done. But when there is a reward at the end of the tunnel, it gets employees more excited to get to work. 

Some incentive ideas for your employees can include: 

• Paid employee lunch 
• Cash bonuses 
• Additional PTO 
• Swag bag 
• Coupons or gift certificates 

7. Clearly State Your Company Goals 

A great way to get your team working towards a shared goal is by keeping them in the loop. Hold regular team meetings that share the upcoming goals for the department and the company as a whole to boost work productivity

This develops a sense of camaraderie with the entire company and alleviates any uncertainty in terms of expectations. 


When you want to find new ways to improve efficiency in the workplace, it’s best to start by going directly to your employees first. Find out from them what is missing. 

It could be the tools and resources they need are lacking our outdated. Maybe they want to feel more involved with management’s goals. No matter the issue, efficiency will only improve if you focus your efforts on improving the quality of their jobs and the overall company environment first.

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