If you’ve done any research at all about your various college options, you probably already know that accreditation is a big deal in the world of higher learning. This is as true at University of Phoenix as it is at any postsecondary educational institution in the world.
Although accreditation is obviously a good thing, few students clearly understand exactly what the benefits are and, perhaps most critically, what they need to know when choosing a school.
What Is Accreditation?
Accreditation is a technical sounding and generally intimidating term used throughout a variety of industries. The word is prominent in discussions regarding higher education and whether schools and programs have received accreditation as a key qualifying factor.
To better understand accreditation, it can help to learn about the organizations that grant it. There are many types of accreditation in the academic world as well as many types of accrediting organizations.
A panel of experts from the accrediting organization undertakes a comprehensive review of the overall educational quality of a given institution. If that institution withstands the scrutiny of these experts and meets the exacting standards of the body of accreditation, it receives a seal of approval that recognizes its legitimacy and excellence.
No two colleges or universities are exactly alike, so it serves to reason that they may hold different types of accreditation. For example, University of Phoenix is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.
Institutional accreditation applies broadly to a college or university as a whole. No matter what the accrediting body happens to be, the basic steps in the institutional accreditation process remain essentially the same.
Why Is Accreditation Important?
Because colleges earn or fail to earn accreditation based on the quality of education that they provide, accreditation should be a key consideration. Accreditation can offer assurance that an institution provides instruction, information and guidance that is both fair and accurate.
Accreditation can also indicate that any descriptions of the services that an institution provides and the accomplishments of its alumni are fully transparent and trustworthy. Furthermore, it can confirm that a given institution has processes in place that help it adapt to the challenges of an evolving academic environment and to respond to ongoing changes in public expectations.
What Does Accreditation Mean For Students?
By attending an accredited institution, students can have far more than confidence in the overall quality of the education that college provides. In fact, accreditation can affect nearly every aspect of college processes and experiences.
Of supreme importance, accreditation can determine whether you have access to financial aid through the U.S. government. In order to apply for federal student aid, students must attend an institution with accreditation that is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Accreditation can also help with institution-to-institution credit transfer as well as the application of earned credits for graduate school admission.
In the professional realm, graduates may not be eligible for state or federal licensure in a chosen profession if they failed to obtain a degree from an accredited institution. Even if a career path does not require an official license, a degree from an accredited institution shows prospective employers that the completed program adheres to widely accepted educational benchmarks.
Accreditation Held By University Of Phoenix
University of Phoenix has been accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and its predecessor since 1978. Both the CHEA and the U.S. Department of Education recognize the HLC as an official body of accreditation. University of Phoenix secured its most recent Reaffirmation of Accreditation from the HLC in 2013. This decade-long accreditation renewal was bolstered in the Fall 2018 by a comprehensive mid-cycle HLC evaluation. By its own definition, the HLC works extensively with institutions in order “to define, develop and implement comprehensive strategies for institutional improvement.” The University also offers a range of programmatic accreditations for various degree programs.
About University Of Phoenix
University of Phoenix serves working adults and other students with extremely busy schedules with comprehensive coursework available entirely online. The University allows students to pursue a degree program on their own timeline with flexible scheduling. A range of competency-based programs also give students with appropriate professional work experience the opportunity to potentially earn a degree more quickly. For more information about University of Phoenix accreditations and licensures, please visit their website.