Regardless of all the heartwarming commercials stating that insurance companies care about their clients, especially in times of need, it simply is not true. Insurance companies are in business to sell policies and make a profit. Making a profit is the most important part of that statement. Paying out on claims reduces this profit and therefore is not something the insurers wish to do.
When a claim is made, insurance adjusters have been taught to try to close the case as soon as possible. The adjusters will start pushing for a settlement as soon as the next day after the accident. By pushing for a quick settlement, the insurance adjuster significantly reduces the amount of the claim.
Once you agree to a settlement, the insurer is no longer responsible for your medical care, replacing damaged items, or covering your financial losses. This applies even if you have losses or need more medical care in the future.
Think about it for a minute. How can you know what kind of care you will need from your injuries in the future, or how much time you will have to miss from work only a day after the accident occurred?
In reality, many of the tests your doctor has ordered has not even come back to be reviewed at this point, and you do not even know the true extent of your injuries.
The push for a settlement can be very upsetting to the injured party. Many people feel so pressured by the adjuster that they give in and accept a settlement too quickly and suffer the consequences in the future.
Don't give in! You should fight for the maximum compensation from the insurance company.
Consult with a nj car accident lawyer as soon as possible. When you give your initial statement to the insurance company, provide only the basic information to them and then kindly state that you are consulting an attorney.
Tell them that all other information must come through your attorney from this point forward. This is the best way to protect your rights and avoid an unfair settlement.
When you inform the insurance company that you are going to have legal representation, they must respect this decision and work with the attorney who is representing your case.
Common Types Of Car Accidents
Car accidents include a variety of different events. Our law firm is equipped to handle all types of car accidents, including:
• Multi-Vehicle Passenger Car Accidents
• Hit and Run and Single Car Accidents
• Truck Accidents
• Motorcycle Accidents
• Personal Watercraft Accidents
• Pedestrian Accidents
A Few Words On Motorcycle Accidents
It is very important that anyone who drives a motorcycle understands that New Jersey has different insurance laws concerning motorcycle accidents. Motorcycle drivers do not have the same instant protection by their insurance policy as accidents that occur in a passenger vehicle. If you have been in a motorcycle accident, contact an attorney today.
Motorcycle accident victims must rely on their own health insurance to cover their injuries. This even applies if the accident was 100 percent the fault of the other driver. This can quickly lead to mountains of medical bills for the motorcyclist at a time when they need to be focused on recovering from their injuries.
It is important to schedule a free consultation as soon as possible with a Hoboken car accident attorney, to protect your rights as an injury victim. Your attorney can make sure that you receive the medical care that you need for your injuries and are able to make a claim for compensation for your losses.
Without legal representation, motorcyclists can face large financial issues when they have been injured in an accident. A number of free legal services are also offered by Rosengard Law Group at their Cherry Hill office at 496 Kings Highway North, Suite 220B. You can reach knowledgeable lawyers at 833-323-4448 for assistance with your legal matter.
Types Of Compensation We Will Pursue
During your initial consultation, your attorney will discuss with you the different forms of compensation that you may be entitled to receive because of your injuries and financial losses. While each case is different, you may receive compensation from one or more of the following categories:
• Medical Expenses Current and Future for the Injury
• Loss of Wage and Benefits
• Future Earning Capacity
• Expense for Paid Services
• Loss of Consortium
• Pain and Suffering
• Emotional Duress
You may be entitled to additional forms of compensation based on the facts of your case. Your attorney will discuss these types of compensation with you in detail during one of your meetings about the case.
An Overview Of Truck Accidents
Truck accidents are serious events that often cause catastrophic injuries for the people in the passenger vehicle. In addition to causing serious injuries, these accidents are also quite complicated legally. The trucking industry is regulated on both federal and state levels, which can lead to complications in your compensation case if you are not working with a qualified Hoboken truck accident lawyer.
In addition to legal complications, truck accidents may also involve more than one insurance company. Establishing who is at fault for the accident is critical for your lawyer because the right insurance carrier must be approached for compensation.
You do not have to face this type of serious accident on your own. Your energy and time should be devoted to your recovery.
We believe that the only way to guarantee that everyone has access to legal representation when they have been injured is to work on a contingency basis. We know that you are already facing financial hardships from your injury, and we do not want to add to that strain
Time is of the essence. All car accidents are covered by the Statute of Limitations. This statute prevents people from seeking compensation for their losses after a certain amount of time has passed since the injury occurred.
This law protects all those involved by keeping the event fresh in everyone’s memories and supporting evidence and witnesses easily accessible. If you pass the amount of time allowed by the Statute of Limitations, you will lose your right to sue for compensation.
A car accident attorney can work the claims process and fight for maximum compensation for your losses.