Are you worried about cyber attacks affecting your business?
Cybercrimes cost everyone around the world a cumulative total of 3.5 billion USD last year. Cyber-attacks are assaults on a computer's programming that endanger the files and data within. They're usually used by hackers to gain information, and use it for their advantage.
Cyber security attacks are most common in small businesses as they often don't have enough investment in cybersecurity. This can cause the business to go under and become bankrupt along the line. This is why organizations need to focus on strengthening their cybersecurity.
Cyber-attacks are always changing and evolving to keep up with new protection programs. There are several common cybersecurity attacks you should be familiar with. Read on to learn what they are and how you can prevent these dangerous cyber security attacks.
7 Most Common Cyber Security Attack Types
Malware Obstruction
Malware is among the most common cyber security attacks. This is because you can get them on almost any unsecured website on the Internet. Once they're inside your device, they do specific commands written in their code.
The functions of malware can vary depending on what their creator wanted them to do. You can tell if you have malware on your device if you experience:
• Your computer's operating system is running slow
• The sudden appearance of cookies and ads
• Unexpected system crashes or displays
• Loss of disk space
• High usage of the systems resources
• New toolbars, extensions, or plugins on your browser
• Your antivirus product stops working
The best way for you to avoid this is by avoiding unsecured websites. Check the domain if it has HTTPS instead of HTTP. You should also refrain from downloading anything off of anywhere but the official websites of the software you want.
Phishing Attacks
Phishing is a way for hackers to steal your private information. It can be anything from credit card information, info on your bank accounts, to your personal information.
Hackers often perform phishing attacks via emails. They provide a link for the user to click on, which leads them to a website that asks them to input their credentials. A hidden program records the credentials used to log in, and that's when the attack starts to cause damage.
You're able to detect a phishing attempt by simple mistakes on the message. Any misspelled words can be a clear red flag. This makes it important to examine any email you get or website you visit.
DNS Tunneling
DNS tunneling is a vector attack that provides the hacker with easy access. It's designed to target organizations with a bad DNS traffic tracker for dangerous activities.
The virus creates communication problems that firewalls can't detect. It then gets information from the miscommunication that is happening between the programs.
You can detect if you're experiencing an attack by analyzing traffic yourself. Check the number of requests going in and how frequent they are. If a single request looks malicious, it's best to assume that you're under attack.
Distributed Denial-of-Service Attack
The DDoS functions to shut down the network service causing the user to have not access. It does its task by flooding the target by triggering crashes. The aftermath of the onslaught denies the users to use hacked resources.
It often occurs to the servers of high-profile organizations. Although it doesn't target important information, it does waste the victim's time. DDoS is often used to distract networks for an unknown attack.
The most obvious sign of a DDoS attack is the sudden slowing of the network's speed. It disguises itself as sudden spikes in the operating system. You can use a traffic analytic tool that can help you spot the attack.
Business Email Compromise
This is an attack that targets individuals working in high-profile companies. It makes use of authority privilege to have financial transactions. They trick an individual to send money to them thinking that they're only reallocating resources within the company.
BEC attacks are often well-executed and researched plans. They're known as of the most damaging cyber security threats.
The best way to avoid them is by always verifying any message received from any source. Always question the purpose and make some calls to verify the request within the company.
Cryptojacking software hides within a user's network and device before deploying itself. Once deployed, it will then start to "mine" digital currency and redirect it to the creator. While it may seem harmless at first, it can be a nuisance for you.
This is because these programs take a ton of your processing power away from you. It causes slowdowns and even crashes if left unchecked.
It also makes your device and network susceptible to more malicious software. Cryptocurrency mining often involves clicking on a lot of suspicious links to get the currency behind it. It can lead to your device getting infected by dangerous malware along the line.
Cross-Site Scripting
This is an attack directed to websites. It happens when a mysterious source attaches itself to the website and injects lines of code into it. This code often allows the hacker to bypass most security measures.
What's worse is that this can then attach itself to any of the infected site's visitors. This means that it can spread and become a major security breach to many people.
Preventing this requires knowledge of code and how to build a clean website. You can hire a professional web designer to do the inspection for you, too.
You can also do it yourself by learning more about cybersecurity. This way, you will also know how to prevent the other attacks mentioned above. It is also a good way for you to future-proof your business against cyber threats.
Protect Yourself From These Cyber Security Attacks Today
Learning about these cybersec threats is your first line of defense against them. Knowing they work and what they do is essential to prevent any of them from doing more damage to you. Protect yourself from these cyber security attacks today!
Do you want to learn more about cybersecurity? There is no downside to having good security while you are online. Check out more of our guides to learn more about cybersecurity today in the Tech section of the Bootstrap Business Blog.