Product promotion is the cornerstone of any business selling a tangible product. That's even more true today in the age of our turbulent, uneven economy. How do you convince people to keep spending money when they're so uncertain about their finances?
In the following article, we're not going to solve every economic dilemma you may face in the days ahead. We will, however, give you a seven-step action strategy for putting your products front-and-center and keeping the cash flow coming. Let's begin promoting products profitably!
1. Use Traditional Media
One of the top product promotion tips is still one of the best, regardless of your location. Using traditional media on a local, state, and national scale will get you plenty of well-targeted eyeballs and add legitimacy to your brand.
While calls of "fake news" and a continual splinter of the media have made it tougher on publications, they still carry a lot of weight with their readers and boast wide circulations. Find some way your product relates from a news angle, and you could end up with free advertising in the form of a well-thought-out feature story or interview.
2. Activate an Email Campaign
No talk of how to promote a product in the 21st Century could be complete without talk of email campaigns. Your email list is gold because, if handled correctly, they consist of vetted leads who've opted into your messaging.
Keep tabs on how they learned about you through the proper ads and landing pages, and don't feed the same content to the same people. Each lead will be at varying places in the buying cycle, so ensure the messages you're sending them reflect that understanding and personalization.
In other words, don't push someone to buy right away if all they want is more information. Likewise, don't go into a long explanation if they're ready to buy now.
3. Cozy Up With Social Media
Obviously, you can promote a product with social media either organically or through paid promotion.
Consider video content or striking imagery with the right message. Be mindful of the political nature and "outrage culture," and try to tailor your outreach to a general audience unless your product is specifically meant to be polarizing.
4. Participate in Events
Promoting a product through trade shows, conventions, and conferences will help you reach a more invested part of the market. It'll also help you spread your brand name industry-wide and generate some legitimacy in the process.
5. Send Out Samples and Offers
Keep free samples of your products and hand them out to people who can really help to position you within the market.
Definitely promote your products at trade shows and events. Also, mix your online and print ads with special limited-time offers.
6. Keep Trying Print Ads
Print can't give you the laser-targeting of online advertising, but it can get you in front of enthusiasts in a way that many websites cannot.
A well-placed ad in a trade magazine can pay back many times the cost of the advertisement. You'll just need to inquire about ad-pricing ahead of time to ensure it's a good fit for your budget.
These days you can usually find bargain basement prices on print advertising in magazines and newspapers. A good deal is a good deal, regardless of what medium you find it in.
7. Partner With Influencers
Influencers like top athletes and models have carved quite a successful path in the world of influencers by pitching products for companies to their followers.
Research how many followers they have, how engaged they are, and whether their typical personality aligns with the image you hope to project before inking any deals.
Product Promotion Is the Key to Growing Your Business
If you're ready to take your product promotion to the next level, then start with the smart suggestions we've given here. Best of luck with your profitable products promotion!
For more tips on promoting products, online advertising, and working with social media influencers, we encourage you to check out some of our additional posts. Visit the Influencer Marketing and Digital Marketing sections of the Bootstrap Business Blog to learn more about powerful production promotions for profits.