With lots of debate about wearing masks, one can't help but wonder what's the right step. It'd be best to be extra careful as there are lots of misguided information spread online and offline. It's time to set the record straight and clear the air. Here are common myths about masks that you should stop believing.
1. Wearing A Mask Doesn’t Prevent One From Getting COVID-19
Masks often come in handy while protecting others against contracting the virus. You need to know that with the proper facemask, you can reduce the number of respiratory droplets from person to person. Thus, you get to reduce the risk of getting exposed to coronavirus when an infected person sneezes, coughs, or talks.
2. Putting On A Mask Makes One Sick
There are some misguided speculations that masks cause one to rebreathe in carbon dioxide, and ultimately one becomes sick. However, with a proper cloth mask, this is unlikely to happen, especially when you only wear it for shorter periods. Nevertheless, as you were your mask, you also need to check on the people around you. Some individuals should not wear cloth masks. Any child below the age of two or a person who has difficulty in breathing need not put on a mask. It also goes for any person who would have a hard time taking off the mask without any assistance. Nonetheless, one can reduce the risk of getting the virus by staying at home or having limited time outside.
3. Masks Often Weaken The Immune System
Here's a misconception that stems from the notion that the human immune system needs bacteria and pathogen exposure to get strengthened. However, this isn't true as masks hardly weaken the immune system. On the contrary, masks, including the disposable facemasks, often come in handy by protecting one from inhaling any pollutants that might weaken the respiratory system. Masks are also useful in eliminating the risk of spreading or contacting coronavirus.
4. While Wearing Masks, There's No Need For Social Distancing
As you put on your mask, you need to know that it's not a substitute for other safety measures. It would help if you also incorporated other safety measures such as physical distance and limiting in-person meetings. You also need to keep washing hands with soap and running water or stay at home when you aren't feeling well. By adhering to all the set guidelines, you are in a better position to protect the people you love as well as yourself from contracting the coronavirus.
Make Sure You Wear A Mask And Keep Clean
While you are out buying a facemask, you need to empower yourself with the right information before making a mistake. In contrast, adhering to the set guidelines, you also need to have the facts about the masks. It'll enable you to get the ideal masks, including disposable facemasks that are on sale. While wearing your mask, you also need to adhere to the other guidelines like good hygiene. It includes social distancing and proper handwashing techniques as they are all part of the puzzle to stop the spread of coronavirus pandemic.