A lot of misconceptions about diesel engines often discourage potential buyers. However, there’s actually nothing to be afraid of when it comes to diesel engines. They are an important and cheaper alternative.
There’s no reason for you to not get a diesel engine, considering how much they have to offer, if given the chance. Changing this perception is important, now more than ever, since the need for a cheaper fuel source is at an all-time high. Maybe debunking some of these myths would make it easier for more people to understand the truth about diesel engines.
Myth 1: Diesel Makes For A Dirty Fuel
There was always highly negative imagery surrounding a diesel truck, with black fumes of exhaust, leaving a foul odor.
This image is more than enough to turn people away, especially in the age of awareness that we live in, where topics like global warming are finally getting the attention they deserve. The truth is that with strict regulations and more responsible engine manufacturing processes, modern diesel engines are cleaner and more efficient than before, thus, making them a great choice.
Myth 2: Cold Weather Could Put a Stop to Your Diesel Engine
Myths of the past say that diesel engines cannot start at low temperatures. This assumption puts a hamper on potential buyers, for obvious reasons.
Diesel fuels do congeal but at 40 degrees Fahrenheit. The fact to remember here is that glow plugs and the like have eliminated the issue. So, unless you’re stuck living somewhere below freezing temperatures at all times, you don’t face an issue with the diesel engine not starting in cold climates- so that’s another myth debunked.
Myth 3: It’s Hard To Find Diesel Pumps
There is a very popular belief that gas stations do not stock up or even offer diesel, and thus, there is a large section that quotes fuel unavailability as the reason to not use diesel engines. However, is this a fact?
Diesel is a major fuel now, which means that gas pumps have obviously taken notice of it, over the years. Thus, almost every gas station offers diesel pumps, and unless you’re going through sparsely populated areas, for several days, you’ll be fine. Just make sure to plan well in advance.
Myth 4: Diesel Is An Expensive Fuel
There is a common opinion that diesel is a rich man’s fuel, which is why many don’t prefer to opt for diesel engines. Again, is this really true?
Diesel might have a slightly higher initial cost when compared to standard unleaded gasoline, but it's a very negligible difference. The truth is that the most premium gasoline costs much more than even your highest priced diesel fuel. Another fact is that diesel engines are more economical, simply because of their superior gas mileage, which means you end up saving more money in the long run.
Myth 5: It’s Not Possible To Tune A Diesel Engine
There is a common misconception that it’s impossible to tune your diesel engine for better performance. However, just because the opinion is widespread, doesn’t mean it’s true.
Diesel Engines have parts that can be adjusted for economy and longevity. Optimum performance can easily be obtained by fine-tuning, or even by adding extra components to make the best of what you have. If you want better power and torque from your engine, you’ll be glad to find the required components to help you at Canadian Diesel Online.
Myth 6: Diesel Engines Are Not Meant For Long Trips Myth
This opinion may be due to the fact that there aren’t many diesel engines on the road. Thus, the general assumption is that diesel engines don’t adjust to different conditions.
Diesel engines are better suited to certain conditions than gasoline engines, even for long journeys, or high altitudes.
Now that some major myths have been debunked, let’s hope you know that diesel engines are much more capable than what is assumed of them. In fact, they’ve gone through many major re- hauls, and are definitely a ride worth taking.