How To Work With A Small Digital Marketing Budget

how to effectively use small digital marketing budget frugal advertising

Small businesses should spend between 7-8% of their revenues on marketing, according to

But when you try splitting your marketing money between websites, blogs, promotion costs, advertising, campaign, and events, it seems like there's not enough to go around. 

Read on for some ways to build your brand without going over your marketing budget.

Analyze Your Ad Spending

Ads draw attention, but they also cost money. How much money are you spending to fund ads? 

If you're running ads, do they result in clicks? Do the clicks lead to purchases? If not, you'll be better off focusing elsewhere.

See Where You Get Social Media Results

You're probably posting on several social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Use analytics to see where you get the most attention, then devote your digital marketing budget towards supporting that platform. Otherwise, you'll be spread too thin.

Check Your Website

Every business needs a website. Make sure your website contains all of your important information, including a clear description of your services, your contact information, and all purchasing options. 

The website should follow the "3-click" rule: any customer should be able to find information in three clicks or less.

Ask for Reviews

A satisfied customer is your best marketing tool, so ask your customers to spread the word and post reviews. If you get a negative review, reach out directly to learn more and adapt your business process if necessary. Potential customers will see that you're willing to make things right.

Some social media sites, like Facebook, allow customers to leave reviews on your page. If your clients are willing to do this, new customers searching for reviews will be led right to your website and will find positive feedback there.

Share Your Expertise

You can raise your company's profile and share your expertise by hosting free classes, speaking at workshops, or planning your own events. You can also build recognition online by writing guest posts for other blogs and websites. 

Partner With Other Local Businesses

Do you know other businesses related to your industry? If so, you may be able to join forces with them. Organize events together, hand out coupons for your partner's business, or leave your pamphlets and business cards at each other's offices. You can also collaborate online by mentioning your partner's business in your customer emails or exchanging social media posts. 

Hire an Expert

Though it may sound too expensive, hiring a marketing company might actually save you money. A marketing company can audit your website to see what's effective and what needs to be improved, help with search engine optimization (SEO) to make your company easier to find, and plan effective social media campaigns.

Use Your Marketing Budget Effectively

Whether you decide to start a new media campaign, print business cards, or book speaking events, you can develop many ways to find customers. You'll be able to reach your audience with whatever marketing budget you have.

If you liked this post on mastering your marketing budget, check out the rest of our blog for more ways to grow your business on a small budget. Visit the Digital Marketing section of our site to learn more about frugal online advertising.

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