Business Greeting Card Etiquette: A Guide for the Workplace

business greeting card etiquette guide workplace greeter cards

Sending business cards has been an honored tradition for many companies dating back to the 19th century. It shows your appreciation to supportive clients while reminding old clients that you still exist.

Yet, a single wrong move in a business card can make valued customers into wanting to stop doing business with you.

When sending greeting cards in the workplace, you want to follow proper business greeting card etiquette to better maintain those business relationships.

Read on to find out some of them. 

1. Use Quality Cards

Cards show how much you value your customers and also reflect on your company’s financial status. If you choose a cheap card, clients might assume that you do not value them or that your business is experiencing some financial problems.

This can deter them from wanting to do business with you in the coming years.

2. Update Your Clientèle List

Update your client list before sending out business cards. This will help you send the cards to the right addresses in case some of your clients moved to new places during the year.

3. Avoid Sales Pitch

Since you send business cards over the holiday season, you’ll need to talk less about your business and show more love and appreciation to clients. This will help show clients that you value their personal holiday boundaries.

If it’s Christmas send them business Christmas cards for appreciation while avoiding marketing your business.

4. Be Sensitive to Religion and Tradition

You need to ensure that you send the appropriate message to your clients. This happens by knowing what holidays your clients celebrate and which one they don’t. It's important to know your client's traditions and religions.

You can opt to take the safer route by choosing neutral cards that often don’t offend anyone. The cards have words like “Season’s Greetings” or “Happy Holidays”.

5. Make the Cards Personal

You need to ensure that your clients feel special when reading the cards by making them unique and personal. Handwriting a small note inside the card or even signing it makes a huge difference.

Also, you shouldn't send e-cards because they show that you mass mailed the cards to your clients without considering them.

6. Avoid Mail Rush

You need to buy cards and set everything in order before the holiday arrives. This will help you organize the mail correctly and also give you time to make it neat and presentable.

You must strive to make sure that the cards arrive either on the day of the holiday or a day before its celebrated.

7. Use Proper Addressing

You need to address your clients appropriately depending on your relationship with them. If you are close with them you can address them by their first names, if not use personal titles such as “Ms.”, “Mr.”, “Dr.”, or "Prof".

You can also include the spouse's name if the client is married.

Why Should You Follow Business Greeting Card Etiquette Rules?

Well, you might think that sending a business card shouldn't have so many rules but truth be told without them you might mess up and end up costing your business long time clients.

Business greeting card etiquette keeps you fresh in your clients’ minds during the holiday and deters them from thinking of doing business with your competitors.

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