Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not with them. Consistent brand presentation increases revenue by 23%, and this brings us to the importance of brand promotion. If consumers don’t like your website layout, 39% of them will stop interacting with your business.
Brand promotion doesn't come easy, mainly because it requires a budget. Research shows that constraining budgets are the third most challenging aspects of a business' lifespan. However, this shouldn’t be a reason for you not to invest in brand promotion for your business.
There are influential and creative, yet inexpensive ways you can use to promote your brand. Let's look at some of them to get you started on creative approaches to brand promotion.
1. Do a Lot More With Your Website
If you created a website for your business and left it at that, you’re missing out on excellent brand promotion strategies. Go back and work on making it known. How do you do this?
There are several approaches. The safest place to start would be to create relevant, helpful content that promotes your business. Promotional content lets visitors to your site know what your business is all about, and lure them into becoming your customers. To come up with eye-catching and clickworthy content titles, you should consider utilizing a blog title generator. It will boost your click-through rate on Google and social media and increase your social shares as well.
Think about video marketing. As it is, consumers are more inclined to video content than long scripts of text. Be creative in your approach and ensure your clients can identify with your content.
2. Invest in SEO
If your brand isn’t among the top ones on the market, SEO is for you. People won’t know about you or your business if you don’t optimize your site. As you work on your website, focus on
incorporating techniques that’ll make it rank high in the search engines.
The easier it is for consumers to find your site online, the more popular your business will become. One of the most popular techniques for SEO is the use of keywords that are mostly used in Google search. Make use of online tools that can help you with search engine optimization.
3. Use Social Media Platforms
Most Americans have a social media platform they use daily. People spend a lot of time on social media platforms these days. If you’re keen on social media marketing techniques, it can be your best bet for brand promotion.
Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Reddit, Snapchat, Instagram, Pinterest, Quora, Medium, and LinkedIn are platforms that have helped many businesses grow. Each offers some uniqueness of interaction, letting you focus on what suits your business most. The more your business presence is felt on the platforms, the higher the chances of business growth.
4. Brand Consistency is Key
As you work on online brand promotion on various platforms, you must remain consistent. Keep the colors, messages, and fonts consistent across the board. Consistency helps consumers associate your brand with the right values and feelings.
You should also be keen when branding your products. Be sure to use labels that make your brand stand out.
5. Introduce a Referral Program
Referral marketing works in a big way for companies that want to develop a large following quickly. The strategy is easy to use since you allow your existing customers to promote your products. Despite being simple, most startups are not keen on using it.
For more effectiveness, don’t build a referral program from scratch. Make use of existing tools to help you handle the technicalities of the referral program. You can then focus on product creation and promotion.
6. Reach Out to Relevant Communities
Once you have a clear picture of what your ideal customer looks like, look for them. The idea here is to create a piece of content that targets relevant communities. The more specific you can be in targeting the community, the more effective your brand promotion will be.
You can build a community by reaching out to forum posters like those on Reddit and Quora. Engage with people who interact through related forums and niche industry or common interest chat rooms.
7. Let Your Customers Know You Care
You can extend free services related to your business once in a while. After-sales services are a brand promotion strategy that’ll never become outdated. Do follow-ups with your clients after sales to check how they're coping with the product.
Most importantly, let what matters to them matter to you too. For example, celebrate with them occasions like their birthdays. This is information you can get from their sign-up data.
8. Upgrade Your Marketing Materials
Are you still using the business cards you designed years ago? It’s time to upgrade them and give them a more professional and updated business card look. Look for designs and color combinations that’ll make them stand out from the competition.
While at it, upgrade your brochures and create a digital version of it for your website. You also need to come up with creative promotional products as giveaways in networking events.
9. Get Featured in a Relevant Publication
Look for significant publications within your niche and promote your content there. Getting published will produce a massive spike in traffic. Once you start building relationships with well-known publications, you'll also begin to interact with big-time clients.
Once you build this bridge, strive to maintain good relations with the publications. Your content should remain top notch.
10. Networking with Similar-Minded Brands
Take time to attend networking events such as trade shows, company parties, and other such events. They provide opportunities for creating brand awareness. The events allow you to get out of the office and mingle with real people.
Avoid going to the events with the sole intention of selling your products or services. Open your mind to educating yourself, connecting with people, and learning from success stories.
Brand Promotion - Final Thoughts
The success of your business relies on your brand promotion strategies. Most of them are demanding and require your time resource. Once you implement them, it’ll take some time for you to see any tangible results.
All the same, the results will be worth the input. Focus on growing your website and optimizing it. As a supplementary approach, use social media marketing techniques. In all the platforms you promote your brand, maintain consistency.
Don’t ignore the power of networking for building your brand. Get out of your office and meet real people. Take the opportunity to learn from their success stories, implement the same and see your business brand grow.
For more information on creative brand promotions, be sure to read our article on top digital marketing strategies.