What do all the best leaders have in common?
They're creative, innovative, and passionate. They make decisions and hold themselves accountable for them. They're honest, inspirational, empathetic.
When it comes down to it, being a leader sounds a lot like being a well-rounded, healthy, enlivened individual. Someone who's a person of their word, who works hard, who cares for others. We could all use a little more leader in ourselves.
That's what these leadership blogs are for. They're custom made for an epic entrepreneur, marketer, and business leader like yourself.
Let them inspire you to be your own leader — and to then, maybe, lead others. Let these blogs plant the seeds of leadership and encourage you to harness your power!
Let's get started. Here are ten great business leadership blogs to check out today.
1. Great Leadership by Dan McCarthy
This site offers opinions and information on leadership, leadership development, and more. The site's owner, expert leadership advisor Dan McCarthy, has had over 20 years of experience helping thousands of inspiring leaders reach their goals and improve their capabilities.
The blog features regular articles on current events as well as coaching, training, and consulting.
2. Jesse Lyn Stoner on Leadership
Stoner is a business consultant with over 30 years of experience helping leaders realize their full potentials. She has collaborated with different successful organizations over the years, earning her a recognition as one of the "Top Leaders to Watch in 2015."
Her blog features tips for first-time managers, thoughts on arrogance, organizational ideas, and much more.
3. OnStartups
This leadership blog features advice and insight for inspiring and established entrepreneurs. Its writer, Dharmesh Shah, is a self-proclaimed "professional geek" who loves to talk software startups. But he offers advice and insight that is relevant to many industries.
Don't believe us? He's the co-founder of HubSpot along with HUBS CEO Brian Halligan.
4. Michael Hyatt
If you Google "leadership blogs," you're sure to see this name pop up once or twice.
Michael Hyatt is an author, leader, speaker, blogger, and more! He's written many books on the topics of goal-setting, leadership honing, and successful planning. His titles read like so: No Fail Meetings, Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World, and Living Forward: A Proven Plan to Stop Drifting and Get the Life You Want.
He calls himself "Your Leadership Mentor." And why not take the advice he's offering? He encourages self-leadership — perhaps the best kind.
5. Center for Creative Leadership (CCL)
The CCL is all about being a creative leader — which, by now, we know is one of the more essential characteristics of one. They encourage innovation because, well, how else are you supposed to keep up with the times? They inspire future thinking, as that will teach you to prepare for what's coming.
Their blog offers research and insights, leadership solutions, easy-to-digest articles, and more.
6. Leading from Within by Lolly Daskal
Lolly Daskal has done it all.
She's consulted with Fortune 500 companies. She's written thousands of articles about her experiences helping leaders improve and hone their skill set. She's been awarded the Top-50 Leadership and Management Expert by Inc. magazine.
Her blog covers all topics relevant to being a successful innovator in today's world. Article titles include "7 Things Every Leader Needs to Quit Doing Immediately" and "How to Overcome Your Biggest Leadership Fears." If you want advice from someone where leadership is second nature, Daskal is your person.
7. Leadership Freak
Do you want to get some tips and insight without having to dedicate hours to reading and internet perusing? Fear not — you can get a daily dose of leadership in small bursts with the Leadership Freak blog.
The site's author has had experience teaching others to succeed. He's been awarded the Top 100 Great Leadership Speakers accolade (and then some). This blog's tagline is, "Empowering leaders 300 words at a time."
And that's exactly what it aims to do.
8. Harvard Business Publishing
Harvard is all about staying relevant. They regularly perform surveys, conduct research, and compile worthwhile information for anyone who wants to learn. Their website covers subjects about leadership, teaching skills, innovation, consumer behavior, and more.
If you're looking for a better base of knowledge to stand on, this blog offers information that'll give you a well-rounded perspective on current news, issues, and discussions.
9. Random Acts of Leadership by Susan Mazza
Why not add random acts of leadership to your daily random acts of kindness? After all, leaders are complex individuals capable of being empathetic and strong. Who says you can't do both?
Mazza's blog talks about being a leader through everyday action. Consistency and dedication are both skills necessary to become a thorough leader. That's the thought behind this inspirational blog.
Want to improve your career and personal life? Let this blog offer guidance to help you do just that.
10. Let's Grow Leaders
This blog's mission is to connect fellow leaders to foster growth and exchange of leadership information. Karin Hurt and David Dye, the site's owners, offer tons of information about leadership. From practical leadership training to improving employee engagement, their blog covers a range of topics.
Do you want leadership development that gets you results? Do you want to learn behavior that gets you a high ROI at work and improved results? This blog encourages you to grow as a leader by doing great work.
There's No Shortage of Leadership Blogs
And that's a good thing. People all over the globe are interested in becoming better versions of themselves — in inspiring others to do the same. You're one of them.
These leadership blogs are the product of marketing and entrepreneurship leaders like you. Get out there and harness the power that you already have.
Need more entrepreneurial inspiration from some of today's most inspirational leaders?
Here are 20 great quotes from entrepreneurs, inventors, and innovators.